Daz Artist Interview Series: 3D Sugar

As sweet as she is talented, Published Artist 3D Sugar has been selling products in the Daz shop for the better part of a decade. She’s most well-known for her beautiful pose and expression sets, but there’s so much more! We sat down with her for a digital interview and are excited to share more about her artistic journey.
The Interview
3D Sugar, thanks for the interview! Let’s start with the basics. How did you pick your artist name?
Thank you so much for this opportunity! Well… I have the biggest sweet tooth ever! I love everything sweet, from fruits to cotton candy. I just gravitate toward sweet tastes and smells, so it just made sense.
Clever! The name really suits you. And how did you get into design and art?
I have been the artistic type ever since I can remember — I always loved drawing, painting, and even playing music. I met the right people at the right time, and now it’s been more than 8 years that I’ve been creating content for Daz.

Where do you get your inspiration when designing a product?
Art and design have always played a major role in my life, so I try to seek and find inspiration everywhere I look: real life, video games, TV shows, movies, people, etc.
Same here — there’s so much around us every day to inspire new art! How would you describe your style?
I always try to imitate reality through the eyes of beauty and femininity/masculinity.
And what does your artistic process look like?
There are a lot of factors I take into consideration… Innovation is a big one for me, whether it’s something that I think or know the user is missing or my personal input on a theme that I think would benefit from it. Once the theme is selected, it’s a hunt for the perfect reference. I can spend hours on ArtStation, Pinterest, or Instagram looking for the perfect reference images.

What’s the most difficult thing about designing products?
Achieving the idea in my head — trying to achieve that imperfect idea of perfection while staying productive.
Oh, 100 percent. And sometimes, it turns into something unexpected yet more beautiful. That’s what makes it fun! Which product did you have the most fun creating and why?
Definitely makeup sets because I love makeup! I get to bring together two parts of myself that I love: beauty and digital art.
And of course, I can’t go without mentioning all the ballet poses. I gotta admit, I didn’t care for ballet before I started doing them, but doing research about it brought me to truly appreciate the beauty in it. Trying to capture the grace and elegance in those complex movements was both fun and challenging.

It’s easy to see how much effort you’ve invested in your products over the years. How has your work changed since you started selling with Daz?
I think I’ve always and will always try to capture beauty, but as I have changed and grown as a person, so has my outlook on art. Now, I find much more inspiration in the colors and shapes of nature and real life moments.
And what should we expect from you in the future?
Oh! This is an exciting one! I don’t want to give away too much, but know that I’m currently working on my skills as an artist so I can unlock my true potential and bring beauty and femininity to the Daz clothing marketplace in a very modern take.
That sounds amazing! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! What’s something we might not notice or don’t know about your products?
It takes a lot of patience and fine-tuning. You would think that it comes easily to me after so many years, and it kinda does. But it still requires time for detail, which I honestly like because I feel like I’m actually delivering something of value to the user.

How do you know when a product is finished?
Usually, it’s when I feel coherence between it all.
That sounds like a tough decision to make. Now, let’s shift to your life outside of your art. What do you like to do when you’re not making awesome products or renders?
In recent years, I have become a very spiritual person. I dedicate time daily to reading, praying, and meditating. In contrast, I also love working out and staying physically active and strong.
Looking back, what advice would you give your younger self?
Chill out! It all comes together in time. Be loving, caring, and kind to yourself and the people around you.

That’s great advice that a lot of us can take to heart! What are some fun facts the Daz community would be surprised to learn about you?
I love to dance and sing, but I’m incredibly bad at it. I still do it anyway!
Yes! We love that. And last of all, you can choose one superpower — what is it and why?
Teletransportation! I mean… Free traveling, seeing everything and everyone I want, when I want… I would love that. ♡
That sure would be a useful and fun superpower! Once again, thank you for taking the time to tell us more about yourself, and we can’t wait to see what you create next.