Daz Artist Interview Series: MartinJFrost

If you’ve been looking to create realistic scenes with beautiful 3D plants, stones, or fabrics, you’ve probably come across Published Artist (PA) MartinJFrost in the Daz shop. And if you haven’t, we’re proud to introduce you!
He’s been in the 3D scene for decades and started selling with Daz in its first years in the early 2000s, but it’s not his day job! Keep reading to learn more about MartinJFrost and his artistic journey.
The Interview
MartinJFrost, thank you for giving us a peek into your life as an artist and the products you create. Let’s start with the basics. How did you pick your artist name?
It is literally just my name. In the real world, I’m a theatrical designer, and I usually go into programs as Martin J Frost. So it seems the sensible thing to use that for 3D as well.
Keeping it simple, I like it. How did you get into design, art, and 3D modeling?
By accident, I discovered Vue d’Esprit and Poser and found I really enjoyed making art with them.
It sounds like a happy accident then! Where do you get your inspiration when designing a product?
If it’s plants, my garden or travels. If it’s textures, it’s usually driven by the fact that I’ve needed a certain texture and found that there isn’t one out there that I can use.

And how would you describe your style?
Old goth with green fingers lol.
Haha that’s awesome. Taking a deeper look into your art, what does your artistic process look like?
It depends on the day. I tend to mess around with an idea, do a test render, and go from there. It’s pretty organic.
And what’s the most difficult thing about designing products?
Promo renders can be difficult. It’s hard not to fall down a rabbit hole when doing them and get carried away by the art rather than remembering to showcase whatever it is the render is supposed to be promoting.
For sure! On the flip side, what’s the product you had the most fun creating and why?
All of them in their own way. My palm tree bundle is one I’m very fond of and proud of.

You’ve been doing this for quite some time, so how has your work changed over time?
More detail and better textures.
What should we expect from you in the future?
Life is getting quite hectic. In the real world, I have been doing a theatre project every month since Christmas and have spent a long time away from my computer. Over the summer, I’m at home more, so I should have more plants and textures. I’m working on a couple of collaborations with plants at the moment. It all depends on what the other career has to offer; I’m already booked up next November to January, so who knows!
Sounds busy! But we’re excited to see what you have in the works. What’s something people might not notice or don’t know about your products?
I tend to use a lot of textures and scans that I’ve gotten from my garden.

And how do you know when a product is finished?
Usually, I have a plan of what I’d like the finished item to be like. Sometimes, it takes a few goes before I look at it and know that it will work.
Daz caters to both beginner and advanced users alike, and many look up to our PAs. What challenges have you overcome as you developed as an artist?
Not over-egging a project. It’s very easy to get bogged down in the minutia and forget what the end user wants, so I tend to try and keep things as simple as possible.
I think all of us have been there at one point or another. For those of us who want to follow you and your work, where else can we see your artwork, products, and other work?
Here is my Daz gallery and my Facebook costume page.

Awesome! Now, let’s move away form work-related things. What do you like to do when you’re not making awesome products or renders?
Read, garden, and the theatrical design day job.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Be more confident in your abilities.
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A theatre technician (and have been for over thirty years).
You’re living the dream! What’s your spirit animal?
I’d say a cat. We share many of the same traits…
And last of all, you can choose one superpower — what is it and why?
Time travel — Dr. Who is cool!
Super cool! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share more about yourself and your products. We look forward to what you come up with next!