Everything You Need To Know About Our Latest Bridge Updates

Transferring your work from Daz Studio to third-party software just got better. We recently announced major improvements to many of our most popular bridges, including Daz to Blender, Cinema 4D, and Maya. This is on the heels of our recent update to Version 2.0 of Daz to Unity and a major update for Daz to Unreal for all our aspiring video game devs in the community.
Updates like this are crucial to the success of each Bridge and help to improve the many workflows our users rely on every day to create the way they want to create. Third-party software is always evolving alongside our own improvements to Daz Studio, and we’re committed to keeping these Bridges as efficient and convenient as possible.
Here’s an overview of what you can expect from the latest Bridge updates:
Daz to Blender:
- C++ rewrite of Daz Studio Plugin
- Integration with Daz Bridge Library
- Support for Blender 3.x
- Automated Normal Map Generation
If you’re new to Blender, this is a powerful and free open-source 3D design software with amazing features from creation to texturing, animation and rendering. The latest bridge update works smoother and more efficiently than before, offering support to the newest and best version of Blender available. Learn more.
Daz to Cinema 4D:
- C++ rewrite of Daz Studio Plugin
- Integration with Daz Bridge Library
- Bugfixed “Save Project with Assets” on Cinema 4D r25
- Baking Subdivision Levels with corrected Weight Maps
- Automated Normal Map Generation
Cinema 4D is a professional-grade software that you’ll find in use at many of the biggest studios. The latest bridge update includes an entire rewrite of the code, giving you a more efficient and powerful Bridge, as well as some nice quality of life and bug fix adjustments. Learn more.

Daz to Maya:
- C++ rewrite of Daz Studio Plugin
- Integration with Daz Bridge Library
- Support for Maya 2023
- Baking Subdivision Levels with corrected Weight Maps
- Automated Normal Map Generation
Maya is arguably the number one 3D platform on the market, used by filmmakers, video game studios, and more. With a full rewrite of the plugin, it works faster and better than before, supports the latest version of Maya, and also has some major quality of life improvements. Learn more.
Daz to Unity:
- New Universal Render Pipeline (URP) support
- New Built-In Render Pipeline, Standard Shader support
- Genesis 8.1 and PBRSkin Shader support
- Mac support
- Animation support
- Improved HDRP Shaders
- Improved Subdivision support
- Improved Emission support
- Normal Map Generation Option
- Fully Scriptable with Daz Script
Now with Universal-Render Pipeline (URP) Support, you’ll be able to use your Daz characters with all your favorite URP assets. If you prefer the Standard Render Pipeline, there’s something for you, too, with our newly improved Standard Shader support. Finally, if you’re looking to push the limits of Unity graphics, check out the HDRP improved shaders! Not to mention, we’ve also got Mac Support rolled in as well. Learn more.

Daz to Unreal:
- Unreal Engine 5 support
- Mac support
- Automatic Normal Map Generation
- Improved Hair conversion
- Improved Alpha transparency support
- Fully Scriptable with Daz Script
Unreal Engine has proven itself to be, well, unreal! We think this update is pretty awesome, too. There’s Mac Support, automatic normal map generation, better hair conversion, alpha transparency support, and the ability to make your own adjustments since it’s now fully scriptable. Learn more.
Improve Your Workflow, Improve Your Output
We built Daz Studio to be efficient and easy to use with a focus on drag and drop and morphable content that provides amazing results in as few clicks as possible. That said, many of our users started learning 3D with other software, like Blender. A lot of these users were drawn to Daz because of our amazing marketplace, and the ability to customize unique characters with so many awesome assets. With the help of Bridges, transferring these characters, including all their clothing, props, accessories, hair, and even environments, is easier than ever.
If you use any of these third-party platforms, update to the latest Bridge today. We can’t wait to see what you create with your favorite Daz characters and assets!