Decimator Walkthrough/Documentation/Tutorials/Videos

I have no idea how to work with the decimator without distorting everything angry

Any good tutorials/walkthroughs??


  • THese are a good place to start.  The documentation for decimate is woefully inadequate, so be prepared to do some tests.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    When trying to decimate, keep the reverse of the power of 2 (square root).

    Basically, try (as a percentage) 50%, perhaps 25% 75%.

    I tend to stick to 50%, and I generally only decimate hair (before sending to VWD), although on occasions I do decimate clothes.

  • Sorry, was quite busy...

    Thanx for replies, the videos i already saw...

    Not really helpfull.

    As long there is no better "how to", i decided to use the stuff without decimating.


  • Hey,

    I faced same problem, and then decided to record short video tut.

    Check here:



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