hi in this is a video - watch the polygon count in the mesh room as it jumps up - I went overboard (just hold plus key down till you get lots of polys) so you probably dont need so many
in vwd I ticked subdivide changed the softness and stretch (?) and friction
the txt file attached is the car file - just rename the suffix to car
If you do not already know, Gérald is working on a new version that will make better use of your graphic card's onboard GPU and should eliminate the "x.obj" not found error due to a timeout issue.
Sorry if I sound like I'm trying to teach old dogs new tricks for those of you already in the loop.
I have spent what little time I could today to try and iron out my difficulties (ie lack of understanding)... and here are my three attempts:
1. My first attempt has holes between the models faces. I think it is to do with the 'stretch' spring setting
2. My second still has a tendance to slide off the model - but not so much. I think this has to do with the number of vertices the collision model has in relation to the cloth model
3. My final of the day is starting to look a bit more like it.
PS the blue cloth is a wink to that fabulous blue found on older masterpieces ;)
hey glad it worked out - great news about the gpu,
one of the problems with the program is that there is no list of presets as there are in the poser cloth room -lack of presets make it harder to grasp
yep I had the same problem - to fix do this
I started with a plane with around 576 polys and a cube mesh around 1014
In VWD I reset all parameters via Utlity Button
I then upped the subdivision in both the cube and the plane - I also increased the friction in both
doing this fixed the problem
Thank you for asking this, Selina.... me, too!!
pleasure :) it's great when it works .... I did most of the medieval clothes for the Hugo Ball show with it
hi in this is a video - watch the polygon count in the mesh room as it jumps up - I went overboard (just hold plus key down till you get lots of polys) so you probably dont need so many
in vwd I ticked subdivide changed the softness and stretch (?) and friction
the txt file attached is the car file - just rename the suffix to car
Great news. Looking forward to it. Happy to be taught new tricks.
hey glad it worked out - great news about the gpu,
one of the problems with the program is that there is no list of presets as there are in the poser cloth room -lack of presets make it harder to grasp
the manual however is a good read :)