Clothes not falling to ground using dforce

I’v succeeded at this many times and now suddenly its no longer working. The clothing just stay in mid air, slightly draping. Its a dforce clothing item and the only other thing loaded in my scene is a flat plane. The only thing i can think of is that i was experimenting with different layouts. No idea whats going on. Any help would be much appreciated. 


  • Not all dForce items are fully dynamic - there may well be a weight map restricting the areas affected, or whole Surfaces with a Dynamic Strength of zero. Check the setting for Dynamic Strength in the Surfaces pane, if any are zero set them to 1. If that doesn't fix the issue, Create>New dForce Modifier Weight Node..., switch to the Node Weight Map brush, in Tool Settinsgs select the Infuence Weights map, right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Selection>Select All, right-click>Weight Editing>Fill selected and set a value of 1.

  • Thank you! That was very helpful. My mistake was assuming a dForce labeled product would work the same as the others. It immediately made sense when I could see where the blue and red shades were located on the dress. It worked. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. 

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Not all dForce items are fully dynamic - there may well be a weight map restricting the areas affected, or whole Surfaces with a Dynamic Strength of zero. Check the setting for Dynamic Strength in the Surfaces pane, if any are zero set them to 1. If that doesn't fix the issue, Create>New dForce Modifier Weight Node..., switch to the Node Weight Map brush, in Tool Settinsgs select the Infuence Weights map, right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Selection>Select All, right-click>Weight Editing>Fill selected and set a value of 1.

    Thanks! This was very helpful

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