Applying Partial Morphs

Typically morph packages used to come with separate head and body morphs (creatures, etc.).  Lately I've seen some for Genesis 8 that only come with one dial for the entire figure (head + body) with no slider to apply the head without the body. I do not like this at all as I like to mix morphs to create unique looking characters.  Is there a way to lock out parts of a figure to prevent the morph slider from affecting it?  So if I just want the head morph I can have the morph target ignore the body and just morph the head?


  • No, but (for non-HD morphs) there ar ways to make your own splie - for example export as OBJ, then reload through Morph Loader pro and use the Attenuate settings to limit it bones or the weight-map for a dForm, or use the X-Moprhs product. However, you do need to bear in mind that one reason for not having separate morphs may be that there woudl be too abrupt a change, since morphs can markedly change the whole body shape and orientation.

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