Decimation and Iray Memory Consumption for Background Figures

Joe827Joe827 Posts: 229

Stupid question - I am just learning about decimation, and am curious how to leverage it for background figures.  So if I have a figure in a scene that is decimated to 50%, and then I interactively change the decimation level to 25%, is the geometry resent to my graphics cards at the 25% level automatically, or does the geometry remain at the level it was originally sent at, and the decimation only impacts render quality?  Let me know if my relatively uninformed questions aren't making any sense.  Thank you for your time.


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  • When you render the engine will get the current geometry. However, do bear in mind that - for the most part - textures account for far more memory usage than geometry does.

  • Joe827Joe827 Posts: 229

    Thank you.  

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