I will format my PC, what now?

If I copy and paste (at the same path/folder) the entire Daz 3D folder to another PC, I will be able to open my projects normally after install Daz Studio?

Has anyone ever done?

Thank you.


  • What do you mean by "the entire Daz 3d folder"? For DS, using content installed through DIM or manually, it will be happy if the content is available - that is, if the contents of the content directories on your old instalaltion are in folders set as content directories on the new (even if the names differ). If you copy over the database, the ContentCluster folder set in Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings, then Connect isntalled content will also work. Install Manager is the only piece that requires the names of the content directroies to be unchanged, and even there you can tell it to use the corrent install directory for updates (click the gear icon to open Preferences, then go to the Installation tab). Plug-ins, and some scripts and shaders, will need to be reinstalled.

  • What do you mean by "the entire Daz 3d folder"?

    I meant that my idea was copy and paste Daz3d "personal library/content folder" to my new version of Windows (formated pc). By default, when installed, we know DS create a personal content folder in MyDocuments, ok? I will copy everything in there to a pen drive! Very well, now, if I paste the backuped files to this same directory (Daz3d>MyDocuments) I believe that there is no mistake to DS reads the path since the files (bodyshape, materials, forms, plugins, etc) are in the same local/default directory.

    I don't know if you understand my idea, but thank you for trying.

  • Don't forget, if using the deaults, that Install Manager places content in /Users/Public/Docuemnts/My Daz 3d Library rather than in the personal Documents folder. That's why I was asking what you meant - there are, between different content methods and the database, several locations involved.

  • Thank you so much, that's what I wanted to know. I appreciate.

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