Layered Image Editor

Hi, how do I access the LIE?

I have selected the mat.

I go to the surfaces tab

I click the little image under Base Colour, there is an Image Editor, but no Layered Image Editor.

What am I doing wrong?



  • Have you entered your DS4 pro serial number?

  • It had asked me about that on startup - now done it and it worked - thanks!

  • BTW, I can change the opacity of the layer, but not the colour, is it possible?


  • Theer should be an opacity control, yes, which should not affect the colour of the layer (but of course lowering the opacity will mix in some of the underlying colour).

  • I would like to change the colour shade


  • Sorry, I misread. There should be a colour picker bar, just as in the Surfaces pane, whick multiplies with the map (if any).

  • Yes, its odd, but selecting - say - red, does not appear to change the colour!

  • In the editor, in DS preview, or in render?

  • Ok, I open the layered Image Editor, select the image I want to change.beneath this I have - Layer, Opacity, Resource. This I have a colour panep set to black 0-0-0. I can change this to any colour,but nothing happens to the surface selected.

  • Are you adding a new layer or editing the existing image, which you could do by adjusting the colour bar in the surfaces pane directly? The Viewport won't update until you click the Accept button.

  • Editing

  • OK, I will try again when my render is finished, thanks for help

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