My entire set is all black, why?

Lately I bought myself the Modern Casca bundle and when I load the set it is all  comepletely black:

Waht do I do?


  • I can't find a set of that name, but it looks as if the lights that are being previewed are not helpful. You could try turning Preview Lights off (cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) L, or the Window Menu) or you could use the nVidia Iray preview mode (sphere icon at top-right of the viewport, next to the camera/view picker button) or use the Aux Viewport (Window>Panes (Tabs)>Aux Viewport) for the 3Delight IPR, depending on which render engine you aim to use.

  • The scene has light sources (invisible light emitters floating in the scene), which override the preview camera's default preview light (for some reason I never understood in OpenGL previews).

    Switch to a Camera that has a Headlamp On/Off/Auto setting (not the default Preview/Left/Right cameras), and turn the Headlamp On.

    I think the setting in the Render/General tab for "Auto Headlamp/When no Scene Lights" affects this as well. Set it to Always should fix it. Maybe. Never tried it, as I stopped using point lights and use only scene elements as Emissive objects (if there's a Light, it gets an Emissive shader).

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