converting help

well i like to convert  Little Miss Maggie and other items that fit that and that period   and old  19th Century clothing  the old stuff  and the kids 4 stuff ,anyway  i like to use it on geneises 8  both male and female 

and so what  should be used for them to be converted  to  geneises 8 

 see i spends  money on items from 2.99  and choose 8   items to get   good  price   in the past sales 

any help would  nice 

i could list all that like  to convert  but lise me to long  , not sure what to use 


  • Little Miss Maggie is a set of new textures for , not a model in itself. You can convert the clothing to Genesis 8 by fiting it to Genesis, and in the Auto Fit dalogue seelcting Kids 4 as the original figure, then fit that to Genesis 8 and in the AutoFit dialogue select Genesis as the original figure - however, if the skirt on the dress has bones to help with following the legs (skirts generally use bones or morphs or both, they can't automatically follow the legs if they are knee length or over) the AutoFit process will remove those.

  • Little Miss Maggie is a set of new textures for , not a model in itself. You can convert the clothing to Genesis 8 by fiting it to Genesis, and in the Auto Fit dalogue seelcting Kids 4 as the original figure, then fit that to Genesis 8 and in the AutoFit dialogue select Genesis as the original figure - however, if the skirt on the dress has bones to help with following the legs (skirts generally use bones or morphs or both, they can't automatically follow the legs if they are knee length or over) the AutoFit process will remove those.


    hi thanks  i retry that , i did use autofit  but  still had problems  ,   thats why was donderening  if  should get  clothing converter  to convert  better  to genises 8 

  • Which clothing converter? The RSSY Clothing Converters go between specific figures, and Kids 4 isn't supported 9in fact none of the pre-Genesis figures are supported). The older Clothes Converter don't, however, go past Victoria 4, and certainly can't convert to any version of Genesis, so I'm not sure that there's anything that will greatly help with your specific goal.

  • Which clothing converter? The RSSY Clothing Converters go between specific figures, and Kids 4 isn't supported 9in fact none of the pre-Genesis figures are supported). The older Clothes Converter don't, however, go past Victoria 4, and certainly can't convert to any version of Genesis, so I'm not sure that there's anything that will greatly help with your specific goal.

    oo dam so i spent time and money on items never be able to use  as genisise 8 is main form of figeres i whant to use  ,   so no point in buying any converters then  

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