completely removing Genesis 8 Males belly button.

what is the easiest way to remove the belly button. 

i'm  working on a character that woudn't be born the traditonal way and i just realized he shouldn't have a hint of a belly button to look right.

i zeroed out all morphs associated with the belly button. i should probably be opening up photoshop next, right?

thanks everyone

(hope this makes sense, my dog is pulling at me to go out as i type this....)



4032 x 3024 - 3M


  • Yes. Any textures that would indicate a belly button(base, trans, glossy, bump, normals, etc.) would need to be edited.

  • mr clammr clam Posts: 707

    If it isn't a texture problem, you could try unchecking the parameter limits and set it to less than zero.

  • magog_a4eb71ab said: textures that would indicate a belly button(base, trans, glossy, bump, normals, etc.) would need to be edited.

    i  thought that would be the answer. thanks. 

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

    In Photoshop it's "Click!" you be done.

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