addenda mode for shopping cart

so I hopped on last night (this morning for sales) and wow,  buy two of the new releases and get a wonderful discount from some artists who hit heavy in my collection. 
Put a bunch in the cart .. opening a lot of tabs to contemplate on. 
Got up this AM to wait for the people who were supposed to show up and pickup an old car and pay me some money for it (after 3 weeki of aborted waits for a different company) well, they arrived, 
took car and gave me a check. Got it to bank and sat down earlier this evening to dispose of a bunch of it. 
And I did successfully, picking up 14 items besides the two for the pricing deal. 
A couple hours ago felt a nap attack coming on so looked at the cart and pulled the trigger. 
Immediatly afterwards I started closing windows to lower the  ram usage and yep.. two more pages with items on them that didn't make it into the cart. 
And I though it would be nice to have an addenda mode but would probably be hard to get into the sales programming. 
And then I realized it probably wouldn't be a problem. 
The cart system keeps track of whether you used a coupon on a given day. 
It automatically generates the priceing for daily special deals. 
Now as far as I know my options were buy the two without the discount or buy two more new items and get the deal again? or just not get them. 
To my mind I already met the criteria to buy items for the daily special ... so the computer noting that I bought the two items for that deal should let me come back and get more items with discounts based on that purchase. 
I'm tetired... but I imagine many have time constraits like jobs and families and may get to shop a little here and there 
and this seems like it would open up the potenial for more sales out of the same deal during the day. 
I don't see how it could hurt daz.
Because my getting those two at the regular deal price.. nope. 
Buying two more new items to get the pair, nope, mainly because it's very unlikely in  any set of  5 or 6 new releases that I can find two items in yet alone four. 
But if I toss two more items from the sale stuff and the computer says okay you bought the two new releases already .. here's your deal, yep, I get a couple more tiems  and daz gets a couple more sales. 

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