How to intentionally limit Studio's CPU usage on Mac OS

jasonkjasonk Posts: 42
edited February 2015 in The Commons

Here's some tips if you have a Macintosh and want to limit DAZ Studio's CPU usage. Maybe you're on a laptop and it's getting too hot. Maybe you're letting DS render overnight but don't want the thermal stress of letting your desktop render at 100% all night. Whatever.

There is a free GUI app you could try, AppPolice

There are a variety of shellscripts you could write yourself, with tips on the web about how to do it, but for a free out-of-the-box working command-line utility, I liked cputhrottle.

Fire it up, play with percentage limits, gradually increasing from a heavily-limited, low percentage of CPU (30%?), until you find what level keeps your system under the thermal stress limits that you prefer.

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