Genesis (1) female shortage of shoes/heels

Is there a reason why the original Genesis (1) does not have a lot of available heeled shoes in comparison to G2F or even G3F.  It feels as though most PA's just skipped making them for Genesis and went straight from V4 to G2F/G3F.

I still have a lot of genesis characters that I love rendering and they look great with iRay but I'm having a very tough time finding a decent selection of clothing and specifically shoes.  Most of the selection is either from DX30 or included as part of a whole outfit that you have to spend time hunting to find.

Is this due to the fact that users figured out how to easily rig V4 shoes onto Genesis figures? Or is it simply because the Genesis figure was not that popular and shortly after Genesis 2 came out?

I have tried to use this guide in detail: without much success, as well as SickleYield's guide (can't find link), so if there are clear step for how to rig any V4 heel shoe (either loaded separately or together) that I haven't already looked at, please let me know.




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