Material Preset problem (SOLVED)

MedzinMedzin Posts: 337

I am trying to save a material preset for RDNA Xanadu Hair. The hair is composed of two parts, a base scalp with hair parented to it

To apply any of the stock shaders, both parts have to be selected in the scene tab.

After modifying, I tried to save a new material preset, but the scalp material does not show up in the save dialog and
needless to say it is not saved.  I can save the scalp material separately, but I dont want to have two shader for the same hair.

It can obviously be done, since the shaders that come with the hair work across two figures.  I am pretty sure I have done this in the past.

So what am I not doing right?


I am using DAZ Studio  with Windows 7-64



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  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Trying selecting the scalp in the scene tab, then save as a hierarchical materials preset. 

  • MedzinMedzin Posts: 337

    Thank you, that solved it

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Another tip. If you'll be using the hair on more than one figure, eg G3M and G3F, it's best to save the hierarchical preset with the hair not fitted to any figure. (Eg Load the hair into an empty scene, then save the preset) that way it should work regardless of the figure the hair is parented to.

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