dynamic cloth?
Hello nice to Daz is doing really good. I have not been useing Daz for while and put Daz back on the big computer and it was doing great. I blew the power supply
on a very nasty thunder storm. So, i installed Daz on a old lap top and then had to do a factory reset to clean it up. The Daz 4.9 that i have running now is good ,however the Dynamic Cloth plug-in is only enabled to a "basic" level. I did purchase the original plug in. Is a "basic" level the only thing available at this time? ,,,thanks matt
You have to re-install the bought plug in to be able to the advanced features.
yes quite right, thanks
i have tryed to install the pugin,,,no success,,,any ideas?
how do i use the plug in bought? dynamic cloth control. thanks
Do you mean how do you install it over the basic plug-in? That should happen when you run the installer - but note that updating DS will replace it with the basic plug-in so you need to isntall the updated control plug-in after the applciation has finished installing. In order to get access to the additional features you need to enter the serial number - from https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/serialnumbers - in the box in Help>About Installed Plug-ins, and then restart DS (this needs to be done only once, not after every update).
Merged duplicate threads.
One possible gotcha; you must re-download then re-install the plugin — if you're trying to run an old installer, that won't work. The dynamics plugin is updated every time the D|S program is updated, so you can't use an old plugin with the current program (or vice versa), the two must match.
Have you registered it?
ok thanks. i opted put tp run in the 32 bit version. thanks