Carrara Challenge #26: “Caustics and Nautical” Voting Thread

Carrara Challenge #26: “Caustics and Nautical”
You have been watching your favorite Viking show, dreaming of Viking long boats attacking and raiding other ships..
Are you the Captain of an 1800's British Frigate battling the French or American's or pirates?
Caustics seem interesting?
Can I light an entire scene using on light and caustics?
Your objective should you choose to accept: Create a scene in which it uses either a Nautical theme or use of Caustics.
Every subject which comes to your mind is allowed, fantasy, steam punk, sci-fi, or whatever floats your Nautical boat.
The idea is to Create a nautical themed image or an image that uses Caustics.
This also allows any new competitors to have a chance to learn about these wonderful Capabilities of Carrara.
Basic rules will be:
1. Each participant may submit up to 2 images into the Challenge.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread (this can be as simple as the scene setup, a pre/post post-work comparison or just a final image with a brief description of the process you used or as complex as modeling rooms shots, shader setups or partial scene setups or test renders).
6. At least one shader must be created for use in Caustics image to utilize Caustics during rendering.
7. For the Nautical themed picture at least one item should be created, retextured or modified in one of Carrara's modelers (vertex, spline, metaball, plant, terrain, particle, etc.).
For new comers it can be as simple as manipulating a shader.
Note: New user is defined as using Carrara for under 6 Months.
Once again, Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
Great News Tango Alpha Has stepped up to the plate and each of the 1st, 2nd.3rd and HM will get one item from his store.
Thanks Tango Alpha.
Dates to Remember:
WIP Thread Opens: Wednesday 29 Jun, 2016
Entry Thread Opens: Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Saturday Jul 30, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Sunday, Aug 6, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
An announcement will be made shortly in forum for The Commons. Feel free to provide any updates or share there as well
Link to thread in commons:
Entry #1
Title: "Kodos and Kang Dance Party"
Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Made/Modified in Carrara:
Disco ball is a vertex object and uses a mirror shader made to take advantage of and create the caustics effects
DJ Booth is just a couple cube primitives
Kang and Kodos materials setup from scratch in Carrara using Substance Painter maps
Scene setup, Carrara render with no caustics, Carrara render with caustics,
Products Used
Winter Gels For Carrara
Lighting 2 Life Light Gels for Carrara
Kang and Kodos modeled in Blender and textured in Substance Painter then impored to Carrara. Carrara native render. The glowing drool was not planned - it's an artifact of the causitcs, but I really like the effect so I left it in. All the white spots on the DJ booth and floor and quite a bit of the light is coming from caustics - see my post in the WIP thread for a comparison with and without caustics.
Entry #2
Title: InPrismed
Artist: wgdjohn
Requirements: Met and Exceeded
I've met all as well as using one light for Caustics, creating (from scratch) not just 1 but 3 shaders. I had at first thought about going with a nautical theme for this Challenge “Caustics and Nautical” so I started out to create a boat in the Vertex room... then changed my mind and chose Caustics instead so still created not 1 but 4 objects in the Vertex room... Doh.
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro
Paint Shop Pro used to add signature only
Back Story:
You awake in a room with 3 walls and no windows... you peek out the open end of the room looking down, up, right and left and see nothing but darkness. Strange light is coming from somewhere but where... you do see the 3 glassy things and recognize one as a prism... how did you get here?? what strange creature put you here?? Pinching yourself you don't awake from a dream... a deep mysterious voice proclaims "face it fool you've become Inprismed".
WIP: First is the main setup, the next phase and the final object added.
Note: If you haven't tried Caustics you really should. I especially like the way it can create effects/textures from rather simple shaders. Notice that I have changed the original entry pic as it appeared a bit washed out, I'd not paid attention before uploading. This render is different in only that I lowered the light intensity by 20%. Just that small adjustment made a big difference.
Entry #3 : Caustics
Title: Whats on the Boat?
Artist: Perry Newhook
Made / Modified: Glass bottle, cork and water in the bottle are all made by myself in Carrara. Boat is from GrabCad with new shaders in Carrara. Terrain is from Carrara terrain modeller with customized shaders for the water. Girl is Victoria 4 with Cynx hair. Male on boat is Michael 4. Palm tree was found online for free and modified in vertex editor. Sky is realistic sky with customized shaders.
Rendered entirely in Carrara with no postwork.
I had a ship in a bottle as a kid but haven't found one I like since.
entry #4: caustics
title: willy nilly lights
done by: shlomi laszlo
entry #5: caustics
title: Mad Caustic Scientist
artist: Diomede
Click on attachment to see full size.
Requirements: Caustics - the glass shaders of the tanks and liquids along with the metal shaders (reflection) have caustic settings. Modeling: All of the props except the abacus and the balance were modeled in Carrara (although a few are primitives).
Content used: Abacus, balance, Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 2 Male, and clothes.
Adrea hair by PhilW.
G2F Basicwear
G2M Boxers and Tank Top by Slosh
Genesis K4 Basicwear TShirt
Genesis Elven Warrior Overtunic by Ravenhair
Entry # 6 : Nautical
Artist ..R. Massey
Title HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth
The Model of the Eagle was constructed in Carrara using both the vertex and spline modeler. Photoshop was used to give atmospherics between layers generated by Carrara + bow waves. The figures are modified from the low poly figure in Carraras Object Catalog. The water is from Carrara. Other ships in scene were previously built in Infini D (the parent of Carrara) and imported as DXF into Carrara where they were textured and modified. The town of Portsmouth, showing the Round Fort and the Point was built in Carrara. The WIP is post 355.. No outside products were used.
Entry # 7 : Cautics
Artist ..headwax
Title Dragon in Amber
The dragon is Daz's waterdragon. There are daz's cherry trees as wells.
I made all the simple geometry to make the broach etc. Custom textures on all the reflectors.
The lights are set to only hit the little balls floating in the amber. The caustics reflected the light around and lit up the rest.
Please click for big if you like big
entry #8: nautical
title: endless sea
done by: shlomi laszlo
Entry #9, nautical
Title: AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild
Artist: Misty
modeled the steps
decided on Hitomi, cuz never rendered her before
surface replicated fire on the spline taurus
made spline taurus particle emitter, metablobs
Entry 10 nautical
artist Diomede
Title: Alfred E Newman Goes Nautical
Modeled the lifesaver in the spline modeler. Also modeled Callie's dress and hair caps for the two figures. Hairs are Carrara dynamic hair. Callie's dress was dynamically draped using Philemo's Carrara plugin for the VWD progam.
Content Credits
Ship is Yacht2 from Carrara native content
IH Kang's casual outfit for G2M
Callie 6 for G2F
Cory 6 for G2M
Entry #11, caustic
Title: Terminatrix Hitomi, don't let the cute fool you
Artist: Misty
used Hitomi5 and Robogeisha for Hitomi
in render)
(all daz store stuff
for comparison the same render without caustics checked is attached
Entry #12, Nautical
Title: Pirate Chickenman
Artist: Chickdnman
Used the following DAZ stuff.
HMS Victory, Pirate for Genesis and Gen2, Piratess for gen and gen2, Toon Chicken, Micheal 6, Medusa, Flintlock by Merlin, Ralistic Seas for Carrara,
So the New item is the Luxcore shader on the Ocean. My intent was to try to improve my understanding of the luxcore shaders, But I am just more confused at the moment.
So Chickenman and His Lady were trying to escape the british navy after stealing all the corn being shipped to the New World.
How will it turn out?
Entry #13 - Nautical theme
Title: Terra Australis
Artist: Stezza
Created the endeavour, sails from HMS Victory.. retextured Captain Cook's uniform. Rendered without postwork apart from sig.. made the didgeredoo
Used Genesis 2, SBRM, Gurumarra, Howies golden wattle tree.
Entries are now Closed and Voting Begins,
If you would like to keep your vote private then feel free to PM me your vote.
Thanks for participating and voting.
1 - #6, HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth by R. Massey
2 - #9, Aquagal Hitomi Ride the Wild by MistyMist
3 - #7, Dragon in Amber by Headwax
Really well done, everyone. Could easily have picked a different three. Good luck trying to choose, everyone. Thanks for hosting, Chickenman. Self critique of my choices = I find it an internal conflict that I included some of the most realistic and the most fanciful renders. Wonder what that says about me.
1 #7: Dragon in Amber, by headwax
2 #9: AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild, by Misty
3 #6: HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth, by R. Massey
HM #5: Mad Caustic Scientist, by Diomede
All entrants did such excellent work it was hard to vote for anyone over another. If only there were more places. :(
entry #5: caustics title: Mad Caustic Scientist artist: Diomede
Entry #1 Title: "Kodos and Kang Dance Party" Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Entry #13 - Nautical theme Title: Terra Australis Artist: Stezza
HM Entry #3 : Caustics Title: Whats on the Boat?Artist: Perry Newhook
well done, so much talent, great tp lay with caustics! since this challenge I have been using it in most of my renders, really adds texture
Entry # 6 : HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth Artist : R. Massey
Entry # 7 : Dragon in Amber Artist : headwax
Entry #9 : AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild Artist : Misty
HM Entry #3 : Whats on the Boat? Artist : Perry Newhook
Huge amount of imagination on show this month. Well done everyone!
Entry # 7 : Cautics Artist ..headwax Title Dragon in Amber
Entry #12, Nautical Title: Pirate Chickenman Artist: Chickdnman
Entry #1 Title: "Kodos and Kang Dance Party" Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
EDIT: update because an honorable mention
HM: Entry #3 : Caustics Title: Whats on the Boat? Artist: Perry Newhook
1.Terra Australis..Stezza
2.Whats on the Boat....Pnewhook
3.Pirate Chickenman
1. Mad Caustic Scientist..Diomede
2.Dragon in Amber..Headwax
3. Kodos and Kang Dance Party...Mark D Olsen
Tough, tough ..tough. Tried to grasp the difficulties each artist faced..I have gone back and forward on the choices,, In the end I tried to include the amount of actuall modeling done in Carrara along withwhat I thought was good example of Caustics .After getting thoroughly confused.I realized that I was trying to judge apples against oranges..... Gave up.. and did my best to judge two different catorgories.... Sorry guys I just can't put them into one list.
I dunno...
I think I'll vote this way in no particular order
Entry #3 : Caustics
Title: Whats on the Boat?
Artist: Pnewhook
Entry # 6 : Nautical
Artist ..msteaka
Title HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth
Entry # 7 : Cautics
Artist ..headwax
Title Dragon in Amber
Entry #9, nautical
Title: AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild
Artist: Misty
Entry # 7 : Dragon in Amber - headwax (never seen a so nice 3D picture !)
Entry #9 : "AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild" - Misty ( good idea and very nice scene!)
Entry #2: "InPrismed" - wgdjohn ( a really great work on the caustics!)
HM: Entry #1 :"Kodos and Kang Dance Party" - Mark D. Olsen (very good work!)
Bravo everybody, you are the great ambassadors of Carrara!!!
Excellent entries everyone!! Impressed!
1. Entry 13 Title: Terra Australis Artist: Stezza
2. Entry # 6 : Nautical Artist ..R. Massey Title HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth
3. Entry #3 : Caustics Title: Whats on the Boat? Artist: Perry Newhook
HM Entry # 7 : Caustics Artist ..headwax Title Dragon in Amber
Ah :( I missed everything again, buy at least I can still vote :) Although voting is all sorts of impossible with only 3 choices + HM!
If I keep thinking about it any longer, I will miss the voting deadline too :(
So here are my current choices:
1) Entry # 10: Nautical, Artist: Diomede Title: Alfred E Newman Goes Nautical
2) Entry # 7 : Cautics, Artist: headwax Title: Dragon in Amber
3) Entry # 13: Nautical, Artist: Stezza Title: Terra Australis
HM: Entry # 6 : Nautical, Artist: R. Massey Title: HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth
Amazing work people!
in no order:
Entry #10
Artist - Diomede
Title - Alfred E Newman Goes Nautical
*is kewl has the watery distortion below water line
Entry #2
Artist - wgdjohn
Title - InPrismed
*spent way too many hours with Cornell box not to appreciate this!
Entry #1
Artist - MDO2010
Title - Kodos and Kang Dance Party
*reminds me of Monsters Inc, luved that movie
And the placings are as follows.
First Entry # 7 : Cautics Artist ..headwax Title Dragon in Amber
Second Entry #3 : Caustics Title: Whats on the Boat? Artist: Perry Newhook
Third Entry # 6 : NauticalArtist ..R. Massey Title HMS Eagle leaving Portsmouth
Honerable Mention goes to Entry #9, nautical Title: AquaGal Hitomi Ride the Wild Artist: Misty
Congratulations to all!
I will be contacting the winners in the morning EST about claiming your prizes.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the WIP thread and to all who entered and thank you once again to DAZ3D for continuing to sponsor these challenges.
Congratulations, Headwax, Perry Newhook, R. Massey, and Misty. Great contributions by everyone. Too bad we couldn't recognize everyone wih Daz and TangoAlpha goodies. Speaking of which, thank you Daz for continuing support and to Tango Alpha for generous sponsorship.
And well done, Chickenman. This theme and challenge inspired great work, and I learned a lot about caustics that I am sure I will put to use in many projects.
Congrats to all the folks who placed. All I nearly voted for... two bad there wasn't 6 places. :) Everyone did such great work it was hard to choose one over another.
Drinks are on me. :)