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Though I considered the possibilty, I wasn't implying that HowieFarkes had more information about Carrara's future.
I was just saying, if he really is turning away from Carrara (which is only a supposition), that that could mean he has estimated he had waited long enough for Daz to do something about Carrara, and since they don't, he had to move on and switched to DS.
Which of course does'nt mean he won't create anything for Carrara again if, finally, a new version comes out. But I can't speak for him.
Only the pink ones, all other colors are pure fiction
Something tells me my guess is more on point with reality. But whatever helps you sleep. I'd prepare for disappointment though.
That can only be substantiated when Carrara 9 shows up. Until then, both it and the unicorn are nothing but fantasy.
Howie Farkes makes scenes for DAZ Studio because it has a bigger customer base. Common business sense. And there is more evidence from DAZ Productions themselves that there will be a new version of Carrara. That is also common business sense given the growth of the game development and 3D hobby markets.
And with that evidence I've read myself elsewhere, I'm not going to continue with a futile "he said, she said" line of reasoning, I will stop my debate at that.
Yup. All of us are urged to make stuff for DS
so if Daz is urging Carrara scene makers to make stuff for DS then there is your answer...
Maybe the best thing is for Daz to sell Carrara to Renderosity
Nope... it's not an answer regarding Carrara. They would just like to see as much diverse products for their baby, Daz Studio, as they can. But the main reason is that the DS user base is so huge compared to Carrara's, we artists have an oppotunity to make a lot more revenue using that platform. It just makes sense, is all - but has nothing to do with the life of Carrara development.
Yes, there are more and more things that 'seem' like they're bringing DS closer and closer to becoming some form of competitor to Carrara. However, when I try to build a scene in DS the way I do in Carrara (using a bunch of content together instead of relying on backdrops), DS just bogs down before I even get half of the scene together.
In Carrara, I build these scenes and save them, and later render animated character inside them, running around, fighting Orcs, driving vehicles... Carrara can handle so much more content it's ridiculous! and then it has the ability to render the stuff out fast enough for just myself to get it done in a reasonable time - like, faster than it takes to render a single figure in anything else. I just don't get why more and more people don't buy and demand Carrara. Because it isn't free? A new user just got it for less than $12 the other day!
It's just economics. Being a PA is a business (if you want to make a living off it), and so it makes sense to sell to the biggest market. It so happens that as well as Carrara being my 3D program of choice, it's what I use to build most of my sets (although I do use Modo Indie for some stuff, and I've just bought XFrog for Windows in their recent sale.), and that means the opportunity cost of building a Carrara version to store standards is quite low. In fact, with Howie's new script it's even lower, because I can take the exact same masks I used for the Carrara replicators and plug them directly into the script. which means most of the work for DS is rigging and shaders.
For me, it continues to make sense releasing the Carrara version along with the DS one, since the extra overhead is small and it fits in nicely with my workflow. That obviously works for the kind of sets I make, but for other PAs with different products or different workflows, it may make less sense.
Maybe we need to have a conversation about render settings, and/or lighting and/or shader optimisation, because I find Carrara generally to be the slowest of the bunch, by a large factor (x 10-ish). I'm talking primarily about exteriors here. I remember some time ago, Rashad had a thread that covered optimising interior scenes, but I don't recall seeing anyting covering the great outdoors.
Is the instances/replicator script for sale somewhere? I asked about a tutorial for Daz Studio instances and was pointed to a Daz Studio plugin called Instances Plus by Draagonstorm. I couldn't tell from the description if I could have the surface control that Carrara does. Any more information on instances in general and Howie's script in particular would be appreciated.
It's only recently been launched on the Daz store:
Thanks - will go take a look immediately.
Howie has a PA thread for it here
It should feel quite familiar if you have experience using the surface replicator in Carrara. To scatter multiple objects you need to put them all in a group in DS, then scatter the group. You can distribute by map or by surface, but you can also use maps for rotation and scale. One thing the script has, which I'd love to figure out how to do in Carrara, is an affinity setting: instances will be attracted or repelled by other objects or instances (so you can have bare ground under trees, or dropped apples around them etc)
If you could tap into the Boolean algorithm perhaps,
or. Does baker bake shadow maps .?
There is a DSG shader in the Terrain Tools pack called Intersect which may be worth having a look at, not sure it will do what you want but it is as close as I can think of. Otherwise it will be a case of doing it manually through the use of maps.
I think you are speaking of DCG, Digital Carvers Guild. I have Terrain Tools from him... not tried them out yet though.
Yes, sorry, Digital Carvers Guild. The Intersect shader allows the proximity or intersection of one mesh to affect the shader in another mesh.
proximity shader Sparrowhawke 3D ,...maybe ?
Absolutely. I was trying to add a bunch of the GIS stuff from Jack Tomalin, the way I do in Carrara - DS just couldn't handle it.
Let's have that, just open separate topic, I will share all my Carrara experience without hesitation
Yes and no... Sparrowhawke 3D does have one... DCG has what Eric calls Proximity in his Shoestring Shaders collection. I'm not sure what the the one from DCG does... will have to check it out once I get it.
I'll check those out - thanks.
I wrote a little about DCG's proximity shader some time ago.
It works great.
Just bought Enhance C yesterday to play around with. Seems quite powerful and capable, but I don't know how much I will end up using it as I will probably be a "beginner" at shaders for eternity.
Another great animation app was just updated today (2D) and will be on my system soon. I can always hope that Carrara will get updated, but you never really know.
Where is this evidence? Id love to see it because all I can find is that it's coming Christmas 2013 or in the first quarter of 2014. And... that never happened.
Would like to see that as well. I tell you what, if ever there is a Carrara 9 I'll pay for your upgrade.
Hey... That Other Persona. You will indeed enjoy Enhance C... very cool. Just recently I purchased the remaining products from DCG... goodness knows when I'll have time to learn even half of them... took me 6+- years before I had made a scene for one of the Carrara Challenges before finding a need for his Starbright.
DCG plugins are really nice as are Fenric's, Inagoni's and Sparrowhawke's. They all add so much added bliss to this program! Love 'em!
Oh... I am SO envious! I can't wait to get my hands on Terrain Tools!!! Also on my wish list are Anything Grows, Anything Goos, Shader Gel and Strobe, Shoestring, and Toon! Pro. But I also would like to try Parchment, Noir, Wireframe Pro, Ground Control and perhaps Cognito.
With Philemo now into the plugin-for-Carrara business... I look forward to grabbing those as well!
Fredrick Ribble with his PyCarrara and PyCloid - and then Fractal Dimensia's awesome Flocking... we really have a lot of functions that tweak Carrara into a whole new playground! I love it!
Enhance C has a lot to it and pulling apart Eric's example shaders to see how he built them can certainly boggle the mind a bit! It's really amazing what all just that one plugin can help us achieve! Anything Grows is really cool, too - being able to replicate a mesh onto the tips of the 'hairs' being just one small example....
Shader Ops and Shader Ops 2 add quite a lot, too. I messed around for hours with the Light Mangler of Shader Ops 2... it allows us to alter results of what the shader has just output to a render - and work with it from there, which is certainly going to take some practice! Shader Ops even adds a notepad to our shaders, so we can leave ourselves notes within our shaders!
Inagoni's and Fenric's plugins have been used a lot on my machine to a pont where I almost consider their use as being part of Carrara. I really love Sparrowhawkes too. I need to find time to dig in and put them all to good use. And that's the big thing. Once we take the time to truly learn how to work with these plugins, and practice using them, they really do become more second-nature, and our whole Carrara experience becomes enhanced in big ways.
It's almost embarrasing to have not yet even tried using PySwarm or PyCloid - and not yet owning Philemo's latest. His NoPoke demo is really cool! I just know that I'm going to love PyCloid and PySwarm. YaToon! is another plugin I've had for years and haven't practiced it enough. I just haven't quite figured out yet how to get Toon looks that will work with what I need to do. And that applies to both of the native Toon renderers too.
Sparrowhawke has some really nice demo videos of some of his plugins, which is really nice to have.
Ooops. Dartan... you're babbling
If you contact Eric he is very likely to cut you a deal on buying multiple plug-ins at one time. I had bought a Power Pack that Eovia sold years ago which contained a few... last fall I made a list of what I wanted in order or importance and sent it to Eric who is very quick to reply. He got me a deal on the rest in 3 different bundles that he put together for me so that I could buy them at different times.
Ooo... can't wait to start playing with all of the ones I haven't already!
Very cool. I might just do that ;)