Customer service cleaning up old help requests?
in The Commons
I just got a reply from the Daz3D Help Center on a help request I submitted on March 25, 2014. Yes, that is 2014 - over two years ago. There had been no response on the report since they said that they would submit it to the bug tracker that same day. I wonder if they are going through and closing out old help requests.
It makes sense to do that, as we say 'The bug report has been overcome by events and so no longer valid in today's operating environment.'
They said it was fixed.
Efficiency is JOB 1.
Better late than never...
They are going to get stuck when they reach all the Carrara ones regarding HD morphs and geografts in Carrara.
Hopefully they'll get to my 3 month old request for a fix on an outfit soon then :sigh:
It doesn't hurt to add a message to the help request asking for the status. I did that just a few days ago on a request to fix the Pixium Dress. That request had been open about that same length of time. It was either a coincidence or because of my pinging them, but it was fixed a few days later.
I did in April :D I originally sent it in Feb, then updated in April to see if it had been fixed. Got a reply saying they were looking at it, and it hasn't been closed or updated since then.
I have one from April for the Sugoi Hitmoi poses that was apparently being sorted that I never heard about again. Didn't realise it was such a common thing.
Yes, it seems very common. Sometimes the problem gets fixed, but the request is never updated to tell you so. Sometimes the problem doesn't get fixed. I periodically checking my open requests. When months have gone by with no update, I add a message to ask if it is being worked on. Sometimes that gets some action, but other times they just say they will notify someone that I am still waiting. At least they know that I still care about the issue.
I still have an old one which likely won't ever be fixed. It has a weird texture baked in on both shoes. I think it has been open for a few years now.
Yes, this is an ancient thread, but why create a new one?
Customer Service is silently marking some of my older help requests as "Solved" and "Closed for Comments" without posting any information in the request about why it is being marked "Solved". I doubt if anything was actually done. I suspect they are just closing the requests. I think this is disrespectful.If I took the time to report a problem, they should at least respond that they are not going to fix it, rather than just close the request and hope I don't notice.
It's the end of the year, one must clean up the desk for the reports that are run when the year changes.
Are you sure this is a deliberate action, rather than a ZenDesk issue? I know tickets have closed themselves in the past (it's happened to some of mine).
No, I don't know if it was deliberately closed by a person or closed by itself, because there was no information added to the help request. Either way, (deliberately closed by a person or self closed) I don't find marking an unresolved request as "solved" an acceptable way to handle customer requests for help. If they are aging old requests out of the system, they should not say that it is "solved". That is untrue. It is just "closed with no resolution".
How did you get the information that your requests closed themselves?
As I recall it was from querying one of the closures. I would open a fresh ticket, on possible eroneous closures, and list the ticket numbers affected - if nothing else it should at least confirm whether it was doen by a person (or an automated rule) if that was the case.
I will take your advice.
Edit: Done.
Request #396961
Help requests are marked solved but no solution or update was actually made available