How long will the SuperSuit intro sale be running?
I've asked multiple times in multiple places without an answer, so I thought it might be best to post as a topic.
Just a word since I can't reply in the thread anymore. If the forum was properly organized and email notifications were functioning correctly, then I would not have had to post a question multiple times searching for a simple answer. I'll take a step further and say that if customer service was on the ball I wouldn't even need to be in the forum tracking down such information in the first place - without use of the search capability I might add. We all know that things are mad at the moment. But I've seen multiple similar topics posted in multiple places by multiple users who have no IDEA the other threads exist. I understand we've gotta keep the forum running as intended, but I would very much like to see things working sufficiently before I'm told that asking a question more than once isn't allowed.
Has been answered on a post right after one of your posts. We believe it is June 7th
Thanks! I got no notification email about that reply, or THIS one either matter of fact :sigh: and the other answer got buried in that thread pretty quickly… so until June 7th then for the SuperSuit sale? Just incase anyone else pops in wondering.
Ebots are very spuratic depending on you ISP or email supplier. They have been working on it though. I just started getting mine two days ago.
In any event, please don't post multiple copies of a question - that isn't allowed.