Cant remove Black Lines From Super Suit

While messing about with the supersuit in Carrara, having changed quite a few areas, when i go to render it, I have the black lines all over the suit, now is there some setting somewhere I have missed? Is this a bug? A feature? ;)
Hi Cool Art Dude :)
The seam lines have shading domains of their own,.. Usually something like (Hip A - Hip B)
whereas the main areas are named like (Hip A) or (Hip B)
it's a bit of a PITA to work with :)
Thanks 3dage, will look into it later, who ever thought up that suits shading options needs a kick in the balls, PITA to work with is an understatement
If you think about it,. having different seam shaders allows you do create that "Tron" type of Glowing seams, so there's some method in the madness :)
like the method in the madness that is the site upgrade? ;)