Carrara Challenge #27: “Carrara 9, Give us a Sign” WIP Thread: Voting has started.

Carrara Challenge #27: “Carrara 9, Give us a Sign”
Kindly Sponsored by Fenric and Daz
Please see new concept rules for voting - at end of this post
Well, it's been three years and three months since we started these challenges!
I would like to congratulate and thank everyone who has been involved in them, not only the participants and the hosts, but also Daz and all our very generous sponsors - some of whom have sponsored us more than once.
I think during the challenges we have each learnt something and I feel they also add that valuable sense of community that makes the Carrara forum such a special place.
While we all wait for the new Carrara 9 with bated breath, I thought in Challenge #27 we should reward ourselves by showcasing Carrara herself.
So the rules are simple:
1) Make a render where not only the words 'Carrara' and '9' (or 'Nine') appear, but a render that advertises how fantastic Carrara is as software.
It could be a design for the new Carrara 9 Box.
It could be a forest path with a sign pointing in one direction, saying 'Carrara, 9 miles.'
It could be Carrara 9 made out of replicated leaves. It could be written in the clouds by a skywriter.
It could be a render where each object you made in Carrara is labelled as such (Made in Carrara).
Most importantly, we want everyone to know that the render was made in Carrara by having a reference to Carrara somewhere IN the image (not on top of).
Basic rules will be:
1. Each participant may submit up to 3 images into the Challenge.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread
6, The words 'Carrara' and '9' (or 'Nine') should appear at least once in the image.
7. Screen shot of the scene in Carrara to be included in WIP - (sorry added this later).
Please note, there is no requirement for the winner to host the next challenge, unless they want to.
Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
I am excited to announce that the amazing Fenric has confirmed his sponsorship: details to be announced.
Fenric's Daz page is here
He also has a Fox Den which is currently closed but you never know what the future brings.....
Dates to Remember:
all dates are Daz Utah Time
WIP Thread Opens: Thursday 11 Th August (or before)
Entry Thread Opens: Thursday 1st September 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Saturday 10th September
Voting Ends: Saturday 17th September
The commons thread is here if you would like to share your entries!
I was thinking maybe because we are having up to three images an entrant we could judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
Just up your alley, as supreme ambassador for Carrara!
I hope you enter.
If you win there is no pressure to be the next host anymore.
Really? Do explain!
Yes, I believe Chickenman was kind enough to volunteer his services when the winner of the previous challenge was unable to host.
So, I better go and make that clear in the first post!
Great idea. As soon as I saw it I had 1 idea and now even more. I'll try to get a WIP up soon. Can't believe that no Carrara modeling is required... but then I've not looked at all the past Challenges.
So many ideas, an image speaks a thousand words, I may actually enter this one
ok.. who will be first to post a carrara cat render with 9 lives!
can an upside down 6 suffice?
have to think about this one .... so far I have nothing!
Good rendering everyone
thanks-a-lot :)
, oh just trying to make it a little simpler, but you are allowed to model something if you wish !
Wendy, that would be wonderful if you do, thank you! So much to say about so many things ;)
heh, yes Number 9, the Beatle's one, hard to do as an image - maybe the Fab Four Crossing Abbey Rd flying the Carrara flag?
sounds good... Abbey Rd... hmmm
In the meantime I just knocked this one up to get it rolling..
Carrara text converted to a vertex model so I could push and move around. used Klaus and Noodle as extras
created Gumby and used a bend and twist modifier on him because that's what you do with Gumby
and it's Thursday evening on the 11th here
classic, thanks for starting the ball rolling, great example of what Carrara can do. Klaus looks as good as Gumby ;)
Gonna put my thinking cap on and have a go at this one. Got an idea forming already . . . :)
Great news TangoAlpha, looking forward to it !
Aha, we get to submit up to three images this time. Makes me so happy I could jump for joy. One of mine will definitely be a toon render, then.
ha ha Toon is good, and a good jump for joy :)
I like toon
this isn't what I had in mind, I want to do a forest scene!
but this is
something simple f rom me, basic carrara water shader on an infinite plane, night sky, the blue light is replicated fire, the text is carrara text, small spheres with a glow on them replicated on the text and an aura in the Scene parameter to give a glow around Carrara text
EDIT: Deleted old WIP. Will replace with something that uses at least one of the plugins I am trying to learn.
Nice Challenge I will have to see what I come up with.
Obviously there will be the required Chickenman because I can't have render with out him.
love the theme!
hmmm, Carrara of 9 leaps to mind. need some borg tech lol
Great topic and I've got several ideas! One of which I came up with for the last challenge after the submission deadline
One question: If we submit more than one image, do they each have to be in the WIP thread first?
@chickenman ans @MistyMist, and @pnewhook great news, looking forward to seeing what you come up with ;)
@pnewhook, ah a WIP is very miuch preffered because it is part of sharing knowledge and technique
and keeping interest in the challenge, plus getting feedback,
So yes, WIPs please ;) The don't have to be complicated mind you.
cheeers !
With the Beatles mentioned above, I was going to replicate "Number 9" a bunch of times going waaay off into the distance. Maybe in another image. Heck, we get three, right?
If (if, being the important word here) I were to win one of these (highly unlikely), I would have too much fun running the next one to pass the shoe... I think that running one of these has got to be a real blast!
What a blast combining both Woodlands and Badlands together to make this scenery! I even brought in some terrain from the Underwater Realms kit too, but it's not in frame of this shot. It's fun how they all work so nicely with each other! :)
Awesome challenge idea!
Just doodling at this point but I'm getting closer to something - I wanted to do something with replicators and this is my first draft.
I'm using a bunch of different things here:
Image straight out of Carrara with no post-work:
Slowed down already just finding a good font... there are others which are invisible.
1st pic. I've added the name of the font at the end in order to not try them again.
2nd pic is just a cube... For shaders I've a mixture of the ones that come with Carrara as well as some from DCG, Shader Ops and Enhance: C. I've not worked my way down the shader tree further yet. Creating new shader setting I can spend considerable time. Need to figure out how to compress the gradient... to large for me.... on the other hand I kinda like the camera facing side.
3rd and 4th pic are details of the Shader list and each DCG shader.
Object: I'm either going to have each letter and 9 either boolean embossed into their own blocks or perhaps even raised out of each.
About the cube... I'm trying to recreate the look of the original tan block that Carrara appears embossed.
BTW: Nice looking WIPs folks. I'll get something better up once I get going. :)
Great theme head wax ... Well thought
Nice work Dart, love the glow on that, so what shader bit did you use for us who don't have that plugin and would love to be persuaded to buy it :)
@MDO2010 and wgdjohn thanks for the thorough explantion, that really helps new and old Carrara users.
Impressive use of caustics again @MDO2010 .
Thanks cdordoni . Good to see Carrara getting a little well desrved love ;)