Has anybody seen Dartanbeck

Now the forums are back and working I have not seen any posts yet from Dartanbeck. His love and enthusiasm for Carrara, along with his advice and latest project news, always gave newbies to Carrara like myself, something to look forward to. I hope he is well, and look forward to seeing him posting again in the very near future.
I was wondering that also. I enjoy his post and what he shares.
I thought he popped in early on but then vanished, prob the annoying new forum navigation.
cannot find a post now so maybe mistaken.
a few people seem to have stayed away, hopefully just for now.
Hope his heavy landscaping job not wearing him out though earning an income a good thing, too much spare time behind the computer due to less work not so much!
Thank you welchrs64 and wendy♥catz for your replies, I really miss his posts, and hope it is work keeping him busy and nothing serious.
Kind regards,
Musicplayer :-)
I suspect it's limited time due to landscaping. There are two seasons in Wisconsin: winter and construction.
♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬ come back Dartanbeck, oh come back! ♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬
where is our muscley hero of flowing hair and companion of Rosiefair ♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬
our forum is forlon
nary a render
while times of dragons in flight we remember
Dart, Dart where for art thou Art♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬
and Carrara suggestions
leaving Andy and others
to field all the questions
♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬Carrara Rocks! the sigline of old
put it in colour and let it be bold!
CarraraROCKS ♬♪♭♬♬♯♬♬
I think I got a little bit of sentiment in my eye...
still no Dartanbeck!
we miss you mate, come back
hope you are ok and just won the lottery, bought Maya, Max, Modo, Cinema4D etc and a new computer render farm that takes up a whole floor on your luxury beach mansion in the Bahamas to do your Oscar winning animation.
Y'know, I did see that someone won $58,000 in the Badger 5, down in Baraboo yesterday. Of course that's not the right area of the state, but Baraboo is a popular vacation destination so ya' never know.
what an honor!!! :)
EP pointed this out to me during my first visit back (was giving it some time to get fixed)
and when I tried to reply, the forum wouldn't leave me logged in. Kept trying to no avail.
Getting better but...
good to see you are ok ♡
Since this new store/forums launched I really needed a way to allow myself to ignore it for a while. I had no clue things would get so messed up! I ended up taking on some good ol' hard-labor jobs to fill the void. Refurbishing a long brick drive right now and I am quite achy! I can't wait to get back into the CGI side of things :)
Rosie and I love the song, btw!
Hi Dartanbeck,
So glad to see you are well and back on the forums, you have been missed. I still see a lot of the familiar names missing, and having no avatars available, makes it even harder to see who else is missing. The forums and shop have been quite a challenge, so I don't blame you for concentrating on work while things here get sorted. Thanks for your reply and hope to see more of your Cararra posts and projects as you get the time.
Best Wishes,
Musicplayer :-)
I don't envy your achiness (I guess the Ben-Gay corporation is happy though), but I'm glad to see you are alive and well.
Best of Luck!