Website suggestion - Wishlist Button
Posts: 42
It would be nice to have a wishlist button on the smaller product images next to the "add to cart button". This way, we can go through and select products we're interested in and then go back and look at them in further detail.
There is a wishlist button next to the add to cart button on the product page
Sorry, don't see it.
Chohole was talking about the page of the single product while you're looking at the overview page :)
I guess I'd end up wishlisting most stuff if there were a wishlist button on the overviewpage. but you're right, that would be convenient...
Ah I see, what you are wanting is a quick view/compare type button, rather like some physical products shops have? Not an actual Wish List as such,
Something like this?
Yes, exactly.
Okay, here you go. :) It's the "Add wishlist icons to category page" script. Link in my signature.
Great scripts btw, but there appears to be a semicolon missing at the end of the delete line.
Thanks, semicolon added.
It looks good, but doesn't TamperMonkey allow others to take over your browser and load spam, viruses, etc depending on which site you go to?
It allows you to easily install userscripts without having to install dozens of browser extensions. What scripts you install is up to you. The same as what extensions you install, is up to you. You should only install ones where you know what they do. That's why I encourage people to examine the code before installing, to make sure it is to their liking. Just like there are extensions that allow someone to steal information, there are also scripts that do that. Always make sure you know what you install.