SOLVED: - Dear Dartanbeck - using Carrara to make morphs for genesis morph loader pro

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
edited August 2016 in Carrara Discussion

Dear Dartanbeck.  I hate to pester you because you generously give so much great info without my whining.  However, I just have never been able to use Carrara to make morphs to be loaded in Daz Studio figures Genesis and Genesis 2 (have had to use Hex) and have them load correctly in morph loader.  I have been able to make some entirely within Carrara for use in Carrara, but not for use in Studio.  I can use Carrara to make clothes and props and then rescale and load in Studio's transfer utility, but I can never do it for body/face morphs without screwing up (usually scale).


Could you please explain step-by-step, including screen shots, the settings to save/export a Genesis 2 mesh out from Carrara (which options to check and uncheck) and which settings to use to import to Studio and morph loader pro?  I am screwing up something simple.  I am sure it is a matter of just not having the correct scale or not checking/unchecking the correct export and import options.


Here is the thread in which you tried to help me.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce it.  If I ever do, I will eagerly test out the displacement painting brush and post a tutorial.
Without actually watching the above videos through, I can say that, in Carrara, we can do things MUCH differently with far LESS headaches! Gotta just LOVE Carrara!
First of all, we don't need to export a base resolution mesh as OBJ. As a matter of fact, we don't need to export anything from Daz Studio.
Instead, we just LOAD genesis into Carrara and work with it from there! This makes it immensely comfortable. It already loads default in Base Resolution at the model level, with a SubD Smoothing of 2 at the render level.
So let's say that we need to make a Joint Controlled Morph (JCM) to correct something that gets messed up at a specific pose situation, or to create a shape that we wish to occur at that specific pose. We begin by watching the following video, so we know what to do within Daz Studio with the morph that we create - However, when Josh exports out of Daz Studio, we will instead just apply that same pose in Carrara. Then we conduct our mesh deformation within Carrara, using whatever means we want, and then export Genesis as an OBJ to be imported (just as Josh does) using Morph Loader Pro, and follow the rest of his directions... works like a charm!



Now, I said that we can use 'whatever means' in Carrara - that is still only a theory of mine - as I have only ever tried using the vertex modeler. But I'd imagine that any feature of Carrara that can deform the mesh, like a magnet, modifier, or whatever, might just export the OBJ deforemed... which is all we need. It would be fun to experiment with some of these other options - although I find the Vertex Modeler to be so incredibly easy - that's my goto tool! :)
If editing any of the Genesis figures is your fancy, I strongly suggest checking out Josh Darling's YouTube Channel!

Post edited by Diomede on


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    PS - just do something simple like lengthen the nose or big ears or a beer belly or something.  Really want to focus on the exporting from Carrara and loading in Studio's morph loader and saving there for future use of all Genesis/2 figures - that is, it will load as another morph parameter when loading the figure in Carrara (or Studio).  Not focusing on the actual morph at this time.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I finally found Carrara export obj settings and Studio import settings that worked together for me.  I suspect that there are more than one.  I exported the Genesis obj in Poser format after changing the scale in Carrara, and then imported to Studio as Poser obj.  Poser objs are very, very small.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited August 2016

    Hmmm... glad you've figured it out! And I'm sorry for not seeing this until now. I've been having another super-busy time here - just came into the forum to check what I was e-mailed about before having to jump back off the computer! Argh!

     I exported the Genesis obj in Poser format after changing the scale in Carrara, and then imported to Studio as Poser obj.

    I don't remember off-hand what I used, but it certainly wasn't that! Hmmm...

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729

    Out of curiosity, have you tried exporting with Carrara's Daz Studio preset OBJ export option, and then importing into Daz Studio with Daz Studio's Carrara OBJ import preset? 

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