VB SuperShaders for Poser11 SuperFly Vol. [Commercial] - Just Released

Hey Poser11 users, here is a collection of shaders specifically made for SuperFly render engine! :)
Soon will be released VB SuperShaders for Poser11 SuperFly Vol.1 with more than160 shaders going through these categories :
1. Car Paint : Bloom, Metallic, Shiny, Speckled...
2. Liquids : Coffee, Beer, Milk, Water...
3. Organic : Concrete Polished, Ceramic SSS, Jade, Marble...
4. Plastic : Plastic Translucent, Plexiglas, RubberSilicon...
5. Textile : Cotton, Fabric, Silk...
6. Bump : add bump to any SuperFly shaders in a new way for Poser

1000 x 1300 - 278K

1231 x 1600 - 356K

1610 x 1288 - 465K

1610 x 1288 - 483K

1610 x 1288 - 633K
Post edited by VinceBagna on
I'm not a poser user but these look quite beautiful.
Glad to see this being offered! Instant buy here!
I have been hoping someone would make a shader pack for Superfly. This is just great.
Will these be a Merchant Resource?
I'm not a poser user either but these are gorgeous!
Yay! These look Amazing!! I cannot wait until they are available, poser needs these greatly!!
I don't have P11 but those look great :)
I've posted in the Freebie forum a free SuperShader car paint shader that is different than those in this pack ^^
Thank you for the free car paints. I dusted off my Poser and gave them a try. Very easy to use and look great. Going back and purchasing the lot now. Again, thank you! This product was/is needed badly for Poser11 users.
I had, basically, given up on Superfly...I have Octane for Poser...but I really don't even use that much. I'm going to give your freebie a try...if I like it...then I'll get your Bundle....Smith Micro should pay you for trying to breath some life into their neglected system.
These really look great!! Kudos to you and to DAZ for a great Poser offering. They are in my cart but I am on the fence about investing in SuperFly even though I have Poser Pro 11.... mainly because I don't see much help or products for lighting or for skin shaders/materials (I did see D3D Perfect Skin which I think works for Superfly over at Rendo but haven't bought it yet). Are you planning any offerings in either of these areas for SuperFly?
Thank you! ^^
I haven't work on something about skin or light for the moment, though i may think about it ;)
In SuperShaders Vol.2 you have some emissive shaders, and some shaders to use with HDRI on the Poser background to light your scene.
Thank you very much for both sets of shaders! I've used Firefly only twice since upgrading to Poser 11, but sometimes getting ideal results in Superfly can be tricky. This great shader library will help immensely. :D
These are a very nice shaders. Any suggestions for the good light setup in Superfly will be much appreciated.
Below is my attempt, with wood shader on the floor and textile shader on the piano.
Thanks. Below is another example render. Used shaders on the ground and the parts of the female robot without texture maps.
Thanks. I have used Hinky's Wonder Dome.
Is there supposed to be a couple HDRIs included in the set to go with the HDRI shaders? I couldn't find any so I plugged in a DimensionTheory HDRI to the HDRI background 1 shader. I also used the Gold Glossy Ultra on Andy.
Bought your Shaders, so hopefully will dust of Poser 11 and experiment more. I went back to using Poser Pro 2014 after playing with Poser 11 and not enjoying it.
I also own your Sunlight product (bought from RDNA) - will these lights work fine in Poser 11 and with these shaders.
It works fine for me :)
Here are 3 examples of SunLight with the SuperShaders.