MANGA STYLE & VISUAL STYLE topic - Update Sept 23rd 2017: Fixed Dropbox links! [Commercial]



  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited December 1969

    Brilliant render. Did you make the grey presets yourself? I only ask because I don't recall including any flat grey tones...

    Haven't saved any to presets, but yes, those are my color changes with outline normal - heavy.

    That jpg really compressed down a lot, the png looks a lot sharper and nicer.

    I had been using Photoshop trying to get consistent cartoon renders without much luck, also a photo to cartoon software that was doing much better for me, but in the end I had no control as to what colors I wanted where. And no more worrying about noise now, with the shaders I just add colors where I want and render.


  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    nDelphi said:
    Brilliant render. Did you make the grey presets yourself? I only ask because I don't recall including any flat grey tones...

    Haven't saved any to presets, but yes, those are my color changes with outline normal - heavy.

    That jpg really compressed down a lot, the png looks a lot sharper and nicer.

    I had been using Photoshop trying to get consistent cartoon renders without much luck, also a photo to cartoon software that was doing much better for me, but in the end I had no control as to what colors I wanted where. And no more worrying about noise now, with the shaders I just add colors where I want and render.


    Haha, oh my. I never really intended for the Partial Presets to be used on their own, the idea was that you'd combine a whole bunch of them together (perhaps starting with the absolute blank base in the main Manga Style Shaders folder) to create your own Manga presets. I never really considered the possibility of starting with a single Partial Preset and manually tweaking from there.

    Ya see, this is why I love seeing what people do with my shaders, I love seeing how creative people can get with them. :3 Good to know you had no issues finding the colour settings. I assume you used the "Paper" colour, as there's no shading?

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited December 1969

    Ya see, this is why I love seeing what people do with my shaders, I love seeing how creative people can get with them. :3 Good to know you had no issues finding the colour settings. I assume you used the "Paper" colour, as there's no shading?

    Yes, mainly just the 21: Colour Tone 1 setting.

    Desperation can get anyone's creative juices flowing. LOL! Been messing with trying to get to this point for too long. Thanks for the shaders!

  • XdyeXdye Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Bishounen, sorry I couldn't answer yesterday, was really late. Today I did some tests with what u suggested, I think I am achieving something. I messed with the colours of shades and I created a plain pattern for the screentoned channels and I finally I could achive a clean style. The advantatge with that style is that then is super easy to paint in photoshop, like the pic i post here, the colors was added in 10 seconds (is just a test).

    So the 1st image is with colors, the 2 image the style i achived and the third the original presets of the shader, I hope u understand me with this test picture. What i want to achieve is a clean style but still feel like painted by hand. In other words the same results of the shaders but without the dots, like I didn't added a pattern in the image. I don't know why but all the cartoon shaders I tried, like pwtoon or visual style, they have something that still it seems is 3D. But these manga style shaders are awesome, I think with a more tests I could achive a style that can look like a professional manga draw.

    Now my problem is with the face, still I am losing lot of detail, so I will keep trying things. Any suggestions are welcome. And thanks for this awesome shaders.

    886 x 794 - 163K
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited November 2012

    I'm glad you've managed to achieve a look that you like, but in all honesty the style you're trying to achieve can be done with any toon shader available, whether that be pwToon, Visual Style, or even Daz's own free toon shader. You might even find those easier to use, as you wouldn't need to disable the screentone effect. Visual Style in particular gives you the most control over what colours you can use (pwToon and Daz's own toon shader attempt to automate the process by multiplying values together, so colours will always come out darker than intended). I just want you to be familiar with all the options available to you. Honesty is the best policy. :)

    However, if you would prefer to keep on using Manga Style, I will try to help you however I can. I'm not sure what you mean though by losing detail in the face. If you're referring to facial textures, you might want to try plugging the face texture into the colours of the shades. If it's more to do with outlines, you might want to try using the Geometry Shell Outline found in the main Manga Style Shaders folder (the step-by-step guide, which i'll hopefully be releasing soon, explains this in detail). Create a Geometry Shell, apply the Geometry Shell Outline to it, and there you go. You can use the Geometry Shell's built in options to change the thickness, as well as disable parts you'd rather not be shelled (I always disable the eyes, tear, and eyelashes).

    Post edited by TheNathanParable on
  • georgewrestlinggeorgewrestling Posts: 11
    edited November 2012

    Hi Bishounen Taurus, your shaders are AWESOME, i bought both of them Visual Style and Manga Style, but i'm a total novice using this shaders.

    i'd like to watch some tutorial (video is the best form :D ) where you can show us how to get some final picture just like that you put on the begining of this topic.
    Specially to apply shaders for anime eyes for genesis.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards. George

    By the way i made this render but the eyes are not correct, thanks for your help, and i can't wait for the step by step tutorials or video tutorials
    thanks for all.

    960 x 1242 - 408K
    Post edited by georgewrestling on
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Hello George. As i've already said, I have a step-by-step guide (pdf) ready to release as soon as the bug-fix update is out (which is taking longer than expected).

  • georgewrestlinggeorgewrestling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    yes you're right thanks anyway.

  • XdyeXdye Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I’m glad you’ve managed to achieve a look that you like, but in all honesty the style you’re trying to achieve can be done with any toon shader available, whether that be pwToon, Visual Style, or even Daz’s own free toon shader. You might even find those easier to use, as you wouldn’t need to disable the screentone effect. Visual Style in particular gives you the most control over what colours you can use (pwToon and Daz’s own toon shader attempt to automate the process by multiplying values together, so colours will always come out darker than intended). I just want you to be familiar with all the options available to you. Honesty is the best policy.

    However, if you would prefer to keep on using Manga Style, I will try to help you however I can. I’m not sure what you mean though by losing detail in the face. If you’re referring to facial textures, you might want to try plugging the face texture into the colours of the shades. If it’s more to do with outlines, you might want to try using the Geometry Shell Outline found in the main Manga Style Shaders folder (the step-by-step guide, which i’ll hopefully be releasing soon, explains this in detail). Create a Geometry Shell, apply the Geometry Shell Outline to it, and there you go. You can use the Geometry Shell’s built in options to change the thickness, as well as disable parts you’d rather not be shelled (I always disable the eyes, tear, and eyelashes).

    I really don't know how to reach that effect with that shaders, I played around with them, but i always end with a cool toon characters but they still seem 3D, not 2D, is like the shades are too washy or colors to difuminate, what i love of manga style shaders is that sharp edges that creates that they seem made by human.
    Anyway i have to try pwtoon, but the shaders are bugged in 4.5, there is a post about it. Also the geometry shell outline of ur shaders it seems is bugged, everytime I apply, the figure turns like semitransparent and there is no options to adjust, then i render and its all black.

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Ah, hold on, that render wasn't there when I replied. You sneaked that in there didn't you? :P

    Looking at the eyes, it seems as though you haven't applied any shaders to them. Select the Sclera, Iris, and Pupil, and load either the Manga Skin or Manga Basic presets while holding down ctrl (like you've done with the dress). The eyes should appear fine after that.

    Also, I highly recommend using Hitomi's Teeth Smoothing morph to make the teeth look a little less creepy. lol

    Finally, be sure to try out the Freebie Pack 1 at the start of this topic, which includes some free light presets. They'll help make setting up scenes even easier. :)

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Xdye said:
    I’m glad you’ve managed to achieve a look that you like, but in all honesty the style you’re trying to achieve can be done with any toon shader available, whether that be pwToon, Visual Style, or even Daz’s own free toon shader. You might even find those easier to use, as you wouldn’t need to disable the screentone effect. Visual Style in particular gives you the most control over what colours you can use (pwToon and Daz’s own toon shader attempt to automate the process by multiplying values together, so colours will always come out darker than intended). I just want you to be familiar with all the options available to you. Honesty is the best policy.

    However, if you would prefer to keep on using Manga Style, I will try to help you however I can. I’m not sure what you mean though by losing detail in the face. If you’re referring to facial textures, you might want to try plugging the face texture into the colours of the shades. If it’s more to do with outlines, you might want to try using the Geometry Shell Outline found in the main Manga Style Shaders folder (the step-by-step guide, which i’ll hopefully be releasing soon, explains this in detail). Create a Geometry Shell, apply the Geometry Shell Outline to it, and there you go. You can use the Geometry Shell’s built in options to change the thickness, as well as disable parts you’d rather not be shelled (I always disable the eyes, tear, and eyelashes).

    I really don't know how to reach that effect with that shaders, I played around with them, but i always end with a cool toon characters but they still seem 3D, not 2D, is like the shades are too washy or colors to difuminate, what i love of manga style shaders is that sharp edges that creates that they seem made by human.
    Anyway i have to try pwtoon, but the shaders are bugged in 4.5, there is a post about it. Also the geometry shell outline of ur shaders it seems is bugged, everytime I apply, the figure turns like semitransparent and there is no options to adjust, then i render and its all black.

    With Visual Style, you can sharpen the shadows/outlines to make them look more 2D, and you can disable the ambient occlusion. Download the Visual Style documentation at the beginning of this topic and read through it, and you'll see which settings to change to get the look you want. :)

    Also, the Geometry Shell Outline is supposed to be applied onto the Geometry Shell, not the Genesis figure itself. With Genesis selected click "Create / Create Geometry Shell" at the top left of the screen. This will create a Geometry Shell around Genesis. This is what you apply the Geometry Shell Outline shader to, hence the name.

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Good news everyone, the bug-fix update is live! Be sure to redownload and reinstall!
    On top of that, i've now released the step-by-step guide on applying the Manga presets to Genesis! You can download it from the first post of this topic.

  • Proxima ShiningProxima Shining Posts: 969
    edited December 1969

    A very informative and thorough tutorial. Thank you!

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    I'm glad it helped. :)

    I encourage everyone here to please tell me if they find the step-by-step guide useful or not.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the the step-by-step guide.It explains a lot of details about usage of Manga Style shaders and I like it.

  • georgewrestlinggeorgewrestling Posts: 11
    edited November 2012

    I followed your step by step tutorial and this is great! watch the manga style render that i got several minutes ago, thanks for this tutorial, by the way how can i get a bright gray color like the promotional picture at the begining of this topic? thanks for your help these shaders are AWESOME.

    Really is important these kind of tutorials to know the power of this shaders, will you make a step by step Visual style too?.

    960 x 1242 - 542K
    Post edited by georgewrestling on
  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited December 1969

    I encourage everyone here to please tell me if they find the step-by-step guide useful or not.

    Yes, the step-by-step guide helped me with the eyes. I am working on a graphic novel outside the anime style of characters and finding the eyes were my biggest problem. When I switched the eyes on the regular human characters to anime style eyes as explained in the guide I got eyes that look much, much better when characters are farther away from the camera and on side angle shots.

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    by the way how can i get a bright gray color like the promotional picture at the begining of this topic?

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

  • joe_96cb244b30joe_96cb244b30 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi! Thanks for what looks to be a fantastic product.

    I've purchased the product (Manga Style Shaders - PC) and installed (running Daz4.0 pro ( and the installation seems to go well. I've been attempting to follow you tutorial, but the following things are getting in the way:

    1. When using the content library browser with location DAZ Studio Formats/My Library/Shaders/Manga Style Shaders/Style Presets/Manga no shaders are visible in the library

    However, if I use the location Products/M/Manga Style Shaders then I get to see 188 shader in the library

    2. After selecting the approach skin sections of a newly created Genesis figure (as per your PDF instructions) I then double click on the Manga Skin Tone shader and the get message: No importer for the file format can be found. No matter what shader I select, or what Genesis part is selected, the message comes up.

    So, any clues as to what I am doing wrong?

    Best regards,

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Hey Joe. The .duf format wasn't introduced until Daz 4.5, so you're going to have to update your version of Daz before you can use these. :)

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Good news everyone, the bug-fix update is live!

    Thank you. Everyone hates broken bugs. :)
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Good news everyone, the bug-fix update is live!

    Thank you. Everyone hates broken bugs. :)

    That we do. ;P

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited November 2012

    I think I may have found a problem with the shaders.

    It seems that if I hide a part, like the foot of Genesis, when I apply one of the manga shaders to any part of Genesis then that foot (or any other hidden parts) shows up when I render.

    If I select the hidden part and go to parameters and set Display>Visible in Render to Off, it still shows when I render.

    To make sure, I tried the same with the DAZ Toon shaders and the hidden part remains hidden, so I don't think it is a DAZ Studio issue, I think it is the Manga Shaders.

    I have the 1.1 file of the Manga Shaders, I believe this is the latest? And my DAZ Studio is the latest.

    Post edited by nDelphi on
  • EzakiEzaki Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Really been enjoying this program over the weekend especially the tutorials, shame work got in the way of my experimentation. Here is one of my efforts:

    900 x 1164 - 844K
  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    I bought both the visual style shaders and manga style shaders and I am so happy with them. Mind you, I have no idea what I am doing and I hate to read so everything I do is basically and experiment. More often than not I do manage to figure out how it works. Thank you so much for these wonderful shaders.

    767 x 794 - 360K
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    nDelphi said:
    I think I may have found a problem with the shaders.

    It seems that if I hide a part, like the foot of Genesis, when I apply one of the manga shaders to any part of Genesis then that foot (or any other hidden parts) shows up when I render.

    If I select the hidden part and go to parameters and set Display>Visible in Render to Off, it still shows when I render.

    To make sure, I tried the same with the DAZ Toon shaders and the hidden part remains hidden, so I don't think it is a DAZ Studio issue, I think it is the Manga Shaders.

    I have the 1.1 file of the Manga Shaders, I believe this is the latest? And my DAZ Studio is the latest.

    This is not an issue specific to Manga Style, but is a general issue with shaders produced using Shader Mixer. If you were to do the same with any of the Shader Mixer examples included with Daz Studio ("Shader Presets/Shader Mixer"), you will encounter the same problem.

    This is a problem I cannot fix, as it is a Daz Studio issue.

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited December 1969

    This is not an issue specific to Manga Style, but is a general issue with shaders produced using Shader Mixer. If you were to do the same with any of the Shader Mixer examples included with Daz Studio ("Shader Presets/Shader Mixer"), you will encounter the same problem.

    This is a problem I cannot fix, as it is a Daz Studio issue.

    Aw, a Shader Mixer issue, OK. Looks like I compared with a non-Shader Mixer shaders; the DAZ Toon shaders.

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    @Ezaki: Lovely render. Mini-crit, you seem to have forgotton to apply the shader in a couple of areas, unless that was intentional? Either way, lovely and dynamic! I was actually wondering recently how well Manga Style would react to depth-of-field, and judging from your render it seems to work quite well. :)

    @LuluBelle1271: I've actually come across a couple of your cupcake renders before while googling my own shaders (I google them every so often to see if I can find examples of people using them on other websites). Really lovely and vibrant. :)

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    nDelphi said:

    This is not an issue specific to Manga Style, but is a general issue with shaders produced using Shader Mixer. If you were to do the same with any of the Shader Mixer examples included with Daz Studio ("Shader Presets/Shader Mixer"), you will encounter the same problem.

    This is a problem I cannot fix, as it is a Daz Studio issue.

    Aw, a Shader Mixer issue, OK. Looks like I compared with a non-Shader Mixer shaders; the DAZ Toon shaders.

    Yeah. The thing is, even with normal shaders, Daz Studio seems to be a bit hit-and-miss when it comes to hiding bodyparts for Genesis content. One of my beta testers had a similar problem concerning the NanoSuit, but the problem happened even when using the default shaders so we ruled it out as a general Daz Studio bug. At least now we know it's just yet another issue concerning the Shader Mixer in general.

    If you're having issues with pokethrough (I assume you're hiding the feet when you're using shoes or something), it might just be better to not apply any shaders to them, and simply turn down the opacity. Hiding bodyparts using the scene tab tends to leave you with horrible jagged edges anyway. You could also try Poke Away, one of the first ever products released for Genesis: It uses deformers to shrink/thin out problem bodyparts. Works best when wearing opaque clothing, and not anything semi-transparent...

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited November 2012

    If you're having issues with pokethrough (I assume you're hiding the feet when you're using shoes or something), it might just be better to not apply any shaders to them, and simply turn down the opacity.

    Even if you don't apply shaders to the feet, which I don't since I am hiding them, applying shaders to say the arm will get the feet to show.

    *This is an auto-fitted boot and the feet seem to stick out and there is no way to move them or Poke-Away them away. Your suggestion to use opacity is the way to go, I will have to try that, I have even used that before several times, my brain is slow today. :lol:

    *What I am working on.

    Post edited by nDelphi on
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