MANGA STYLE & VISUAL STYLE topic - Update Sept 23rd 2017: Fixed Dropbox links! [Commercial]



  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Hey everyone, BishounenTaurus here. Just wanted to give you a headsup that i've now changed my name to TheNathanParable! :D

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709
    edited December 1969

    What's with the name change? Anything in particular, or just because?

  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    What's with the name change? Anything in particular, or just because?

    Well, BishounenTaurus (and variations of that) was the name i've been using on the internet since I was very young (probably since I was 10). It's 2014 now, i'm 23 years old, I thought it was high time for a new name. I've already had it changed on Tumblr and Twitter (where you can change it yourself), and i'm now slowly changing it on my other accounts as well when possible.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    Here are some more examples of using a combination character with these shaders. A RWBY kit-bash fan-art, and another generic anime character. The nice thing is the shaders make combining characters like A4/AD easy, since you don't have to match up skin textures.

    600 x 560 - 339K
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    3doutlaw said:
    Here are some more examples of using a combination character with these shaders. A RWBY kit-bash fan-art, and another generic anime character. The nice thing is the shaders make combining characters like A4/AD easy, since you don't have to match up skin textures.

    Wow, they look lovely! :D

    Yeah, Anime Doll is a classic character. It was actually both the first figure I ever bought and the main reason I bought Poser 4 in the first place back in the day.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969

    I'm trying to sculpt toon hair in 3D-Coat, is there a way to use Normal maps with the Visual Toon shaders?

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  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately I don't think Visual Style comes with normal map support. However, if you could export the detailing as a displacement map or a bump map, you could use those.

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Hey everyone, BishounenTaurus here. Just wanted to give you a headsup that i've now changed my name to TheNathanParable! :D

    Maybe you should put your former handle in your sig line. I had no idea you were you. :lol:

  • TsuzuraTsuzura Posts: 119
    edited December 1969

    I played around with the visual style shaders a bit and I made this which I'm proud of :lol:

    The left one was rendered with reality and the right one was rendered with 3Delight (Although I could let the left one rendered longer to look better)

    818 x 696 - 614K
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited December 1969

    Just so you know, toon shaders don't work in Reality. ^^"

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    More renders...I've been playing with some combinations of the free figure out there. Here is Kururu, Decoco and Sera (all free), combined with A4 for the body.

    835 x 494 - 65K
  • TsuzuraTsuzura Posts: 119
    edited March 2014

    Just so you know, toon shaders don't work in Reality. ^^"
    I still like how it turn out :D

    More renders...I've been playing with some combinations of the free figure out there. Here is Kururu, Decoco and Sera (all free), combined with A4 for the body.

    I really like how to first and third on came out :o
    What did you use to make and render them?
    (And where can I find those eyes?)
    Post edited by Tsuzura on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    These are all done with Daz Studio, 3delight render...using Visual Style Shaders. :) They eyes are part of the models.

    You can find Kururu here: LINK

    You can find Sera here (I think): LINK

    You can find Decoco here: LINK

  • admin_4fdeda1279admin_4fdeda1279 Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    Love these shaders, but hit a weird snag...

    I exported a Sketchup model of an iPhone 5S to an FBX file and then imported it into Daz. I then applied Visual Style Shaders to all of the components and adjusted my Specular settings to the two-tone effect I always use.

    But rendering takes a loooooong time for some reason.

    Any other figure or prop I've used VSS on, the render goes really quickly. And, on the same note, if I put the phone in the hand of one of my already VSS'ed figures, the render goes really quick for the figure, but then slows right down when it reaches the iPhone prop.

    At first I thought it might be the complexity of the model and its surfaces, but if I just apply standard shaders or materials to the phone, rendering is very quick. And I've also applied VSS to pretty complex car models before and had no problems with rendering times.

    The DUF file is only 2MB, which is way below my other VSS files.

    I've linked to the prop DUF file below if someone is willing to take a look at it and see what the problem may be...?

    Thanks for any input...

  • edited March 2014

    I bought these yesterday, and spent faaaaaar too long last night playing with them. Awesome shaders, kudos! Photorealism is one thing, but these are by far the most useful thing I've loaded into Studio (aside from Aiko lol)

    Couple of thoughts/questions/observations: if I render an image using the render presets, they render fine. If I render at like 3000x3000, the screentones turn into huge spots (guess they would). Is there any way of reducing the screentone size in larger renders?

    And something is up with the Geometry shell. I rendered quite a complex image, a figure, a building, bunch of props, bunch of lights, all had Manga Shaders on them, and it rendered fine (took a while though). However, if I put a geometry shell on a single figure, and try to render it, Studio crashes and gives me an error in 3delight dll something (I'm using the freebee geom-shader rather than the one in the shaders pack, as recommended). Any ideas? Out of memory?

    Keep up the good work!

    --edit : then I saw Zig's Tooncam does outlining, I'll try that instead :)

    Post edited by al_iguana_23_683c4ec9aa on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    I did notice the latest DS had a fix in regarding Geometry shell (in the list), but I am not sure if it would fix your issue. Maybe something to try.

  • edited December 1969

    yeah, I'm using the latest Studio (I re-downloaded it to make sure). Still crashes, I think it's a memory error.

    However, I ditched the geoshell and added a Toonycam outline instead. Works a treat :)

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,871
    edited December 1969

    al_iguana said:
    yeah, I'm using the latest Studio (I re-downloaded it to make sure). Still crashes, I think it's a memory error.

    How much memory does your computer have?

  • edited December 1969

    2gb. yeah I know :( that was a lot when I bought the machine! lol Also still running 32bit windows, so its probably a combination of the two things, I'm trying to be too ambitious and my pc hates me for it :)

  • tgamble85tgamble85 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hoping someone can help me. So I've been fooling around with Visual Style Shader and love it so far. But I sorta like more when I apply a shader while holding Command, allowing me to 'Ignore' instead of 'Replace' the map setting. It seems to achieve a richer color/shading and just seems to be more detailed. Choosing 'ignore' also preserves color differences like nipples, makeup and any other variations to the original map. The problem is that when you do this and render, it reverses the shadows/light. i.e. all the shadows become lit and vice a negative effect. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to avoid this upon rendering or know how to reverse this in post. Thanks!

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately I don't think Visual Style comes with normal map support. However, if you could export the detailing as a displacement map or a bump map, you could use those.

    Is it possible for me to edit the shader to add a normal map brick? The bump map results never look as good as the normal map for some reason.

  • georgewrestlinggeorgewrestling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    3doutlaw said:
    More renders...I've been playing with some combinations of the free figure out there. Here is Kururu, Decoco and Sera (all free), combined with A4 for the body.

    Hi 3doutlaw, where can i download this anime style charactares? can you share the link with us? :Thanks in advance for your answer.


  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately I don't think Visual Style comes with normal map support. However, if you could export the detailing as a displacement map or a bump map, you could use those.

    Is it possible for me to edit the shader to add a normal map brick? The bump map results never look as good as the normal map for some reason.
    I suppose you could do it with your own copy, but it wouldn't be the same (unless BT/NathanParable approves and releases an upgrade).

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited March 2014

    3doutlaw said:
    More renders...I've been playing with some combinations of the free figure out there. Here is Kururu, Decoco and Sera (all free), combined with A4 for the body.

    Hi 3doutlaw, where can i download this anime style charactares? can you share the link with us? :Thanks in advance for your answer.

    There are links to these characters under the first picture on the post on my blog: LINK

    There is also Mizuho (on Sera's page), and the free Maya Doll character, on studiomaya3d's site (Note: there is an Anime version of Maya Doll) ...and don't forget Aiko3, Stylized :)

    Have fun!

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited December 1969

    Started messing around with the visual style shaders again.I have a project i want t start so just wanted to do a quick test and see if this would be the look i wanted to go with.

    947 x 709 - 317K
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    Cool, what hair is that (?), it worked well!

  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited December 1969

    3doutlaw said:
    Cool, what hair is that (?), it worked well!

    Jazlyn for Genesis Character and Hair

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    OK, thanks, I like #D Universe stuff! I also like the Hue'd background, its a good idea.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    Thorne/Sarsa characters look good in toon shading! Click here for full size:

    230 x 370 - 24K
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,084
    edited April 2014

    Gosh darn it, once again I haven't received any forum notifications when people were clearly posting here. >.<</p>

    @tgamble85: Unfortunately it was impossible to get Shader Mixer presets to respect any pre-existing textures in a scene back when Visual Style was first made (Daz Studio 4). Manga Style on the other hand was created after this issue was fixed in Daz Studio 4.5 (not only that, but I was a lot more comfortable with Shader Mixer by then, and was able to make texture application much easier).

    @ghastlycomic: You're free to make any changes you need to the Visual Style shader. Simply apply the shader to a surface, load up shader mixer, and import from the selected surface. From there you'll have access to the entire node tree, and can make any changes as needed. Of course this can only be for personal use, and I must ask that you don't redistribute any changes you make to the shader.

    And as always, it's awesome to see your renders everyone! :D

    Post edited by TheNathanParable on
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