Pose and animation conversion for multiple generations of DAZ figures



  • havsm said:

    Ok, problem solved. It was not a path issue. I simply did not realize there is no M4 - M7 script at the moment.

    Works amazing cool with V4 - V7

    Thanks to anybody who made and still makes this effort! yes

    I think Zazz's script supports m4-m7. If it isn't provided in the dependency (SGApps), you could probably just copy V4-V7 and rename it to M4-M7. I think I had to do it for one set of conversions and it worked pretty good.

    Thanks for mentioning. Very appreciated. I'll check that out.

  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115
    havsm said:

    Ok, problem solved. It was not a path issue. I simply did not realize there is no M4 - M7 script at the moment.

    Works amazing cool with V4 - V7

    Thanks to anybody who made and still makes this effort! yes

    I think Zazz's script supports m4-m7. If it isn't provided in the dependency (SGApps), you could probably just copy V4-V7 and rename it to M4-M7. I think I had to do it for one set of conversions and it worked pretty good.

    Thanks for mentioning. Very appreciated. I'll check that out.

    havsm is correct and offers a good possible solution.

    rsg's scripts also include a script to allow you to create your own for any two figures.  It just takes a bit of fuzting around to line of joints initially.

  • jaebeajaebea Posts: 454

    Is your script backwards compatible?  G3 to V4, for example?

  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115

    Sorry for the late reply.

    My script is backwards compatible, but I don't believe that the rsg scripts support that out of the box.

    You should be able to use the FixPoseGenerator.dsa script, included in rsg's zip file, to generate the appropriate Fix Pose scripts, i.e. a Fix Pose V7-V6.dsa for example.  The process is fairly simple and documented in SGApps Posing Scripts.pdf include in rsg's zip file.  Its a bit picky in that you have to line up all the joints, but not hard to do.


    Very nice thanks

  • nowefgnowefg Posts: 557

    I haven't explored much in animation, but decided to try this conversion process. Downloaded the scripts yesterday.

    Question: I tried this, using a commercial V4 aniblock, V4 and G3F in the scene, Both selected. The script ran, taking the V4 figure through each pose in the series. The resulting converted aniblock did have some effect on G3F, but not even close to the original.

    The arms just sort of stuck out to the sides like a zero pose and wiggled a little, and the legs moved a very little bit, jerkingly. The body poses don't seem to have converted at all. I tried again with limits on G3F off. Same result.

    So, the "conversion" V4 to G3F, as I ran it, didn't begin to approximate the V4 aniblock for G3F. The script obviously ran, no error msgs of any kind. It just didn't convert properly.

    Other posters seem to have had better success, so I'm missing something about the correct way to do this.

    Does anyone have recommendations about how to implement this conversion script so it reasonably converts V4 to G3F?

  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115

    What you did should work.  Off hand, I can think of two things I can think of that might cause problems like you describe.

    The first is using the proper procedure for this to work.  Its pretty simple, but if you're new to DS or animation in DS, there are a couple of situations that might cause problems.

    1. First, to eliminate some possible sources of problems, start with a new scene, File->New.
    2. Load a fresh Victoria 4 and assign an aniblock, or other animation on her.
    3. Load a fresh Genesis 3 Female.
    4. In your scene tab (available in Window->Panes->Scene in case it isn't visible), Left Click on Victoria 4.
    5. Now, CTRL->Left Click on your fresh Genesis 3 Female.
    6. Launch the script (double click on it or Right Click and choose Load).
    7. Verify that the Entire Animation radio button is chosen.
    8. Optionally, uncheck the Support Undo checkbox (saves memory on long, i.e. more than a few seconds duration, animations).
    9. Click Accept and wait for the script to complete.

    If under those circumstances you get bad results, the primary thing I can think of is that you may need to do is to turn off limits for the figure.

    If you've already run the script once, you can clear the animation from the Genesis 3 Female via the Parameters pane menu, the lines with the little arrow/triangle in the top right corner of the Parameters pane.  Chose Parameters pane menu->Clear Animation->Clear Figure to clear the animation.

    To turn limits off on the entire figure, in the Scene pane Left Click on the figure, Genesis 3 Female in this case.  Now Right Click and chose Select->Select Children from the popup menu.  This will select all the bones of the figure.  Now, in the main menu chose Edit->Figure->Limits->Limits Off (Rotation).  This turns off all the rotation limits on all the selected joints in the figure and may cause the retargetting of the animation to produce better results.

    Sometimes it is important to turn limits off on both figures as the aniblocks, or other animations, can contain data that exceeds the default limits.

    I just transferred the cheerpeprally aniblock, part of the Cheerleader aniblock pack for Victoria 4.  It worked fine.  In this case I didn't turn off the limits on either figure.  It would probably have transferred better it I did turn off limits, but it looks pretty good.

    Make sure you don't have any aniblocks assigned to the target figure as Animate2 takes over most of the animation of the character.  That's one of the reaons I recommended starting with a fresh scene.

    If you want to make an aniblock for Genesis 3 Female:

    1. First retarget the animation to the normal timeline, i.e. not into an aniblock.
    2. Save your scene, at least temporarily, as the next step is likely to give you unexpected results and has no undo support.
    3. In aniMate2, use the Create aniblock from Studio Keyframes feature (Right Click on your figure's name towards the bottom left of the aniMate2 pane and pick from the popup menu).  I believe this is only available in the full version of aniMate2.  You may need to play around with the few options to get acceptable results.  Which option you need to pick are dependent on the situation.
    4. In the upper section, rename your new aniblock and right click it and save it somewhere if you want.

    My schedule is pretty tight right now, so it may take some time for me to reply.  Hopefully, the information in this post will help you, but if it doesn't we'll see what we can do.

    Which aniblock(s) did you try to transfer ?  I may have them and can try them on my machine to see if I see any problems.

  • nowefgnowefg Posts: 557

    Thank you, zaz777 for the extensive instructions. Color me dumb.

    When I tried the process yet again, AND paid attention to the instruction on the script thumb, i.e., Hold Shift/Ctrl key, it worked like a charm.

    Next step, as you say, is to save the aniblock. I didn't have any luck with that, but I'll work from your instructions and I'm sure to get it.

    Your point about starting from a fresh scene is appreciated. At one point in my confusion, I thought I had everything right, but kept getting an error msg that Fit V7-V4 wasn't found. I don't know how those variables got swapped in the script, from Fit V4-V7, but starting over reset everything, and the conversion worked perfectly.

    I do find that Animate 2 full version seems not just under-documented in itself, but also semi buggy. Whenever I use the dropdown to select an aniblock, the window pops up behind the Animate2 tab and I have to move that tab to see the aniblocks for selection. Annoying to have to go through that every time, but no idea how to force that window to pop up in the clear. Seems like a bug.

    All that aside, the results I did finally get from using your script were amazing. Spot on, and much appreciated.



  • I'm trying to convert iclone 6 produced imotion using BVH exporter on G3F. I cannot adjust a profile in BVH importer options - show details to make the conversion work properly - arms will not drop and feet slide in space. I would like to try using the zaz777 script which I understand will let me convert an iclone to BVH produced conversion for G2F and then use it to transfer the conversion to G3F?

    The problem is I cannot find the script as the original attachment in this discussion seems to have been moved or deleted. Where can I find the script, please?

  • donte4011donte4011 Posts: 73

    Where do i get the scripts?


  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115
    donte4011 said:

    Where do i get the scripts?

    Is the .ZIP file attachment on the first post in this thread missing for you ?

    That .ZIP file contains my script, an icon and the readme.  I just downloaded it and it looks fine.

    A link for the other scripts that my script needs is also in the first post as well.  I also included the link in the readme file which is in the .ZIP file.

    I didn't try downloading the rsg scripts from the sharecg.com link, but I did go to the page and the page is still up.  It appears as if it should work.

  • zaz777 said:
    donte4011 said:

    Where do i get the scripts?

    Is the .ZIP file attachment on the first post in this thread missing for you ?

    That .ZIP file contains my script, an icon and the readme.  I just downloaded it and it looks fine.

    A link for the other scripts that my script needs is also in the first post as well.  I also included the link in the readme file which is in the .ZIP file.

    I didn't try downloading the rsg scripts from the sharecg.com link, but I did go to the page and the page is still up.  It appears as if it should work.

    Apologies I found the zip - it seemed to be missing when I first looked. Thank you for this work and your generosity.

  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275

    I am not sure I could word it any better than Bopperthijs This script is amazing and I am very thankful for you sharing it with us. 

  • thers no fix pose m6-m7?

  • Sorry for necroing this thread, but I've been trying to use these scripts and have had zero positive results. When I follow the steps for converting an animation from v4 to g3 it says "converting" at the bottom, but it stays at 1% indefinitely with no signs of any progress. I've left it for hours and still seen nothing changed. If I try to copy without undo checked, or a single pose in general,  DS crashes.

    I updated to DS 4.10, could that be the issue here?  I might try to reinstall 4.9 to see if that fixes the problem...


    Btw does anyone know if this script works for conversion from G3 to G8?
  • So, I'd like to clarify, does the script allow converting Victoria 4 poses to Genesis 3 Female, and Michael 4 poses to Genesis 3 Male?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037

    load the V4 and M4 animation onto genesis 1

    save it as an animated pose preset and load that on Genesis 3

    for Genesis 8 add Agentunawares t pose preset on DeviantArt to your data folder for them and dial up the slider 

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 865

    I hope this thread is still active, because I have an issue now that I did not get before. While attempting to transfer from Victoria 6 to Victoria 7 I get the following message .

    general\dzscript.cpp(658): Unhandled errorwhile executing script. QscriptEngine::popContext()doesn't match with push Context()

    then, the script stops after converting about 200 frames and then  V7 is suddenly placed to the side of V6 and has all muscularity morphs applied. I have used this script before many times to convert from V6 to V7 with animations exceeding 6000 plus frames and it worked fine. The only difference I can think of that I have now is that I istalled muscularity morphs for G8 recently. Any help would be appreciated.

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,538

    This script sometimes works and sometimes doesn't .Does it matter if the figure is just G2M or does he have to me M6?  I have good luck M4 to M6, but not such good luck with M4 to G1M.  Also, sometimes it works when I highlight M4 1st, but sometimes I have to hlight the new figure 1st.  Wierd.

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,538
    kwannie said:

    I hope this thread is still active, because I have an issue now that I did not get before. While attempting to transfer from Victoria 6 to Victoria 7 I get the following message .

    general\dzscript.cpp(658): Unhandled errorwhile executing script. QscriptEngine::popContext()doesn't match with push Context()

    then, the script stops after converting about 200 frames and then  V7 is suddenly placed to the side of V6 and has all muscularity morphs applied. I have used this script before many times to convert from V6 to V7 with animations exceeding 6000 plus frames and it worked fine. The only difference I can think of that I have now is that I istalled muscularity morphs for G8 recently. Any help would be appreciated.

    I'm using the most up-to-date version of DAZ and I'm not getting any error messages.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited August 2018

    Hi zaz777

    I just finshed playing around with your scripts I did a .v4 to v7   Wow Bingo! works like a charm for me , so i want to thank you for sharing this script its going to be very handy t me :)

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 865

    Thanks tkdrobert,

    I just noticed that I have DAZ back in the default C: drve location after reinstalling. I did have it in another drive that is a Solid State along with My Library, and it was working fine there. I still have a DAZ installed on the Solid State as well but I'm afraid if I try to use this copy again I will have to go though the hassel with CMS or whatever other database issues. Is it possible that the location of the copy of DAZ I'm running that is on my C: drive and the scripts or on another drive in My Library is causing the scripts to malfunction? As I said it works just fine up to about frame 210 then the script crashes with the message mentioned above. I used it about 2 months ago on an animation that was about 9000 frames with V6 to V7 with no issues. I think it is so weird that now when it crashes that the V7 figure is placed to the side of the V6 figure with the upper body muscle morphs applied. I know somebody is a script expert here, so if anybody can explain this please do, Thanks again!!!

  • Hello I was trying to transfer an animationg from Genesis 2 Male (M6) to Genesis 3 Male (M7), but if I click your script I get this error message: "Fix Pose M6-M7 was not found".

    Don't you have it? I tried "tweaking" it by renaming Fix Pose V6-V7" and it works almost perfectly... But I was wondering if you have a "native" one.

  • taiuritaiuri Posts: 556
    edited January 2019
    zaz777 said:



    In the attached ZIP file, I've included a script called SG Copy Pose Animated.dsa that uses rsg's "Updated: Daz Studio Posing Scripts (now for G3F)" available on sharecg.com.

    rsg's "Fix Pose" scripts support the copying of poses as follows:

    • A3 to V6 and V7
    • M4 to M5, M6 and M7
    • V4 to V5, V6 and V7
    • V6 to V7

    It also includes a FixPoseGenerator.dsa script to provide support for more pairs.

    My script automatically determines the name of the script, given rsg's naming convention, and then either runs that script on the two selected figures for the current frame or the entire animation range.

    The attached ZIP file includes a README, the script and its icon.

    The basic instructions for using my script are:

    1. Load an older figure, if necessary.
    2. Animate the older figure in some fashion (poses, animated poses, aniblocks, etc.).
    3. Load a newer figure, if necessary.
    4. Click on the older figure, the animation/pose source.
    5. CONTROL click on the newer figure, the animation/pose target.
    6. Launch the SG Copy Pose Animated.dsa script.

    You may also be able to take animations/poses from newer figures to older figures, but rsg didn't provide scripts and I had no need so didn't try to generate the scripts for testing.

    Could you create one for converting G8 Aniblocks to G1 and 2 Male/Female Figures please?

    Post edited by taiuri on
  • taiuritaiuri Posts: 556

    Is it possible you can create one for converting G8 Aniblocks to G1 and 2 Male/Female Figures?

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 865

    Is anybody else having problems getting an animation to transfer from G1 to G3 without losing the original movment from G1's shoulders and arms? I can't seem to get the proper twisting and bends to transfer from G1 to G3. With this script I have to apply motion made for G1 to G2 first( since there is to G1 or V5 to G3), no transfer just apply the aniblock to G2. But, when I use Zaz to transfer animation  to G3, the arms are always twisted or bent incorrectly.

  • Anyone tried if this works from V4 to GF8?


    Thank you for the maker, aweome to have this kind of tools around!!

  • taiuritaiuri Posts: 556
    zaz777 said:

    In the attached ZIP file, I've included a script called SG Copy Pose Animated.dsa that uses rsg's "Updated: Daz Studio Posing Scripts (now for G3F)" available on sharecg.com.

    rsg's "Fix Pose" scripts support the copying of poses as follows:

    • A3 to V6 and V7
    • M4 to M5, M6 and M7
    • V4 to V5, V6 and V7
    • V6 to V7

    It also includes a FixPoseGenerator.dsa script to provide support for more pairs.

    My script automatically determines the name of the script, given rsg's naming convention, and then either runs that script on the two selected figures for the current frame or the entire animation range.

    The attached ZIP file includes a README, the script and its icon.

    The basic instructions for using my script are:

    1. Load an older figure, if necessary.
    2. Animate the older figure in some fashion (poses, animated poses, aniblocks, etc.).
    3. Load a newer figure, if necessary.
    4. Click on the older figure, the animation/pose source.
    5. CONTROL click on the newer figure, the animation/pose target.
    6. Launch the SG Copy Pose Animated.dsa script.

    You may also be able to take animations/poses from newer figures to older figures, but rsg didn't provide scripts and I had no need so didn't try to generate the scripts for testing.

    Hi! Could you make a script for loading G3/G8 Aniblocks to G2 Figures?

  • SnugginsSnuggins Posts: 52
    edited April 2019

    Kudos to those writing these conversion utilities and helping out. Not to take anything away from them, but I have found them to be a bit hit / miss without naming names.

    If you prefer doing things manually, I wanted to relay a recent experience I had last weekend where I got best results not using any of the conversion scripts. Maybe it is because I have Animate2 so not sure it works for everyone. Maybe this is already a thing sorry if I'm repeating something that was detailed better elsewhere!

    Here's how I got an old V4 aniblock animation to look pretty decent on a G8F:

    1) Load a G2F base figure and select it while hovering over the V4 aniblock you want to convert to G8F. Make sure the G2F motion is reasonable, ie no locked floating legs or torso etc. Assuming all ok, next step...

    2) In Animate2 pane: Drag the V4 aniblock to the G2F slot. Unlock subtracks or whatever the lock does-- there should be two black dots to the left of G2F meaning not locked or the other thing. Bake keyframes to timeline (I right click on animate2 pane near top to get that option.)

    3) Save as a pose preset.

    4) Load G8F and load the preset. My figure looked like I had loaded a G3F pose preset with arms bent inward etc. So I used the freebie "Worlds Greatest Pose Converter" by AgentUnawares which has this G3F pose correction as a property slider-- you just set it to 1.0 (hightlight G8F figure and go into Parameters->Posing section looking for G3F text highlighted white on left) and every frame with it set applies the G3F->G8F correction including JCMs. No need to run a script. Download here (I am not affiliated with the author)  https://www.deviantart.com/agentunawares/art/G3F-to-G8F-World-s-Greatest-Pose-Converter-709591348

    note: baking the frames for a V4 figure,  and using V4->G2, G2->G3 converter scripts didn't improve things over doing the above -- but maybe just got lucky with these aniblocks. The G3->G8 converter script didn't improve things over using AgentUnaware's sliders and I found converter scripts inconvenient to use and their dialogs and save schemes frustrating. I won't mention the particular scripts but sometimes it produces incorrect output and the preset could not be loaded. It could convert single poses fine, but animations are not handled very well by many conversion scripts I've found, but perhaps they have improved, haven't applied any updates to them since I don't use them much.

    Important Postscript!

    GraphMate (maybe Animate2 keyframe curves make it obsolete but I used GraphMate). If you load V4.2 , G2F, and G8F at the same time you can compare the motions and fix things. There were some things like the "twist" bones that didn't come over-- but I could just highlight the V4 shoulder, twist property, and in GraphMate highlight the keyframes for that curve, and copy them into the G8F empty shoulder twist bone (same for forearm and thigh twist bones). Now that I remember I had to do this last step sorry I guess it isn't so simple after all, but I like being close to the data and doing it myself ,  probably that's just me. You can also bring over some morphs++ from V4 that way if you can find properties that are the same or are similar -- being mindful of the up-down left-right sign being flipped despite being similarly named and sometimes the units aren't the same. Ok now you probably aren't thinking of doing things this way but I will continue to go this route I think. Am excited about the old animations I'd written off despite the time consuming process of bringing them over.

    Post edited by Snuggins on
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