Problem hiding and minimizing Carrara interface

When I attempt to minimize or hide the Carrara interface, part of it remains on my desktop obscuring any items on the desktop in that location. It doesn't always happen, but more times than not, e.g., in the Assemble Room, if I Hide Carrara Pro, the image area of the 3DView window remains on the desktop. In the Model Room, after hiding the app, the image area of the Vertex Object window showing your various views will remain, often along with the image area of the little Preview windown in the bottom right corner.
Also, sometimes, areas of the interface will flash white while I'm trying to work on something which is very distracting.
I've tried trashing preferences but that didn't seem to help. Anyone else experience this kind of behavior?
Carrara 8.5 Pro 64 bit, Mac Pro Quad-Core, OSX 10.6.8
Yes, I have experienced the "minimize" glitch, where some of the view ports remain visible on screen. It's a problem that has existed in Carrara for a long time (I think only in the Mac versions). I'm sure that it has been reported. In fact I think that I reported it way back when we still had the open bug tracking system.
Since it only seems to be a cosmetic glitch it never got any, or much, attention. It seems to do it less than it used to, and I'm not sure what triggers it. Perhaps the newer Mac OS helps this issue. In any case, I'll often do a Command-h to hide Carrara rather than minimize the window.
I don't think I've see the white flashing problem except in an early beta test version. At least I think it was in Carrara. I might have been a beta version of Hexagon.
I get the white flashing occasionally, most often after running a physics sim a few times. I treat it as a reminder to check everything is nicely saved ;)
I get those things, too. I'm on a Mac Pro quad-core 10.11.6.
To minimise the minimise problem
, have you tried using Spaces? Just Control-left arrow or right and you get a nice whole desktop. I have my Wacom tablet set up so two buttons control the switch.
The white flashing can be irritating. I can go a long time without seeing it, then it happens frequently.
I'm also using spaces on my Mac, it certainly avoids the flashy problem. I run Carrara full screen on one space and do the same for other apps - that way I never have to minimize any of them. I use a Magic Trackpad and the four-finger swipe gesture to switch between them. Works a treat, and no more flashes.
Haven't tried Spaces, will give it a go . . .
Spaces is great once. It really helps when you have a full screen app (or two or three) open.
I get white flashes eventhough i am using Spaces, so I don't think there is a link there.
One other trick I use is changing the setting of the display. I have a 27inch 4K display which is great on the highest setting for some things, but menus are tiny. I usually use the middle setting in the Displays settings panel. But, Carrara being Carrara, I use the 2nd setting from the left, full HD 1920 x 1080. The furthest over is a bit fuzzy.
Thank you, de3an, TangoAlpha, That Other Persona and Jay Versluis for your replies. Now I know that the problem is not isolated to my system and setup. Didn't know about Spaces. I will definitely check that out. Thanks for the tip. Appreciate all the comments.
greetings mac users, i have a question somewhat related to original post. i have a MacPro 3.1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon 3 GHz Number of Processors: 2 Cores: 8, Graphic card GTX 680 4096 MB running OS 10.10.3 . do any mac users have dual monitors working? has anyone else found changing carrara keyboard shortcuts is problematic in that on reopening carrara after change carrara freezes and/or crashes on reopening? thanx