Another G3M in C8.5 thread :> How I complied with the forum TOS.
So, I exported Genesis 3 male from Studio in collada dae format so I could get the mesh and the shaders in Carrara. I then separated the mesh and saved it as a separate OBJ object to my content tab. I did that so I could have a mannequin to work from to make G3M content. I had tried to use the bridge to Hexagon but kept having crashes. But I digress. Back to the story. For no apparent reason, I made a simple skeleton rig for G3M and improved the shaders for use in Carrara. Then I realized the fatal flaw.
I have bought no clothes for G3M because Daz hasn't made it compatible with Carrara.
But I managed to somehow use G3M in Carrara and still comply with the forum TOS.
I title this, "Excuse me, could you loan me a few dollars for clothes?"

Great clothing!
G3F has the same problem... she may be in luck at the yard sale though...
Bravo!!! <he's clapping and clapping at the screen>
...<he's still clapping> ;)
mmmmm toast! Wonder which side it's buttered...
Now, if you could make a plugin that exports, imports and generates the rigging, you could have a sure fire hit on your hands.
If the piper ain't coming, the rats gotta make their own music . . .
I had some success in importing G3M within carrara while ago; this is the very first animation test
this animation clip to test morphs and poses, some random issues
looks like somneone needs a fig leaf
HIlarious! Well done, @diomede and @Stezza!
I found another way
Autofit to G2M using clone product
save as support asset wardrobe full body
In D|S 4.7 in my case I also converted to triax first
think 4.9 may give you grief but unsure
he has limited expressions but uses any poses for G2M and below and retains his people morphs as in characters
Gwenbleitz with Carrara hair
I cannot load Magaremoto's links