Invisible object

Hello all,

I have a baffling problem with two objects that simply won't show in Carrara's Assembly or Render rooms. They appear in the Modelling room, and can be spot rendered in that room. But nowhere else. Both of the objects are 3DUniverse products. Specifically, they are skirts for Toon Sadie and November.  

I spoke with Steve Corder at 3DU, but he isn't personally familiar with Carrara and wasn't able to offer any suggestions. So I searched online, but didn't find anything helpful. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited September 2016

    First of all, how are you loading these in - directly onto Genesis? Every once in a while, I've had trouble doing that. The simple cure I've found was to load them into Carrara, not directly onto Genesis. From there, I'd Fit-To Genesis and all was well. But that's not what's happening here - but we'll probably need to know more about what's in your scene, etc.,

    Anyways... hmm... when something shows up in the model room, but not in the assemble room, this is the first thing I try:

    Make sure that the "Visible" box is checked in the upper part of the right window. Just below that, check if "Show in 3D View" is checked.

    Select the item in the list (just one of them) and go: Edit > Center Hotpoint. With it still selected go: Edit > Send to Origin.

    Is it there now?

    If that's still a no-go... make sure that the Toon Sadie morphs are all dialed on properly. There are some Genesis items that only work with specific characters - I think. I know that it's posible to set items up like that.

    If all of that fails, do the following:

    Go into Daz Studio and load the item onto Sadie (or whatever.. load it in - make sure it works)

    Save it to the library again: File > Save As > Support Asset > Figure/Prop Asset - - - - Give it a unique name, like put "New" at the end or something, and put it in the same place as the original so you always know where to find it. (Public Documents > My DAZ3D Library > People > Clothing > somewhere in here....

    Then try opening that new one in Carrara.

    609 x 804 - 216K
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • I occasionally find turning off limits works, have had things that do not visible import with limits on.

  • Dartanbeck - Sorry I wasn't clear. These aren't Genesis figures. They're the original characters for K4 and V4. They do appear normally in DAZ Studio, and all of the other items that came with them ( shoes, shirts, hair, etc.) work in both Studio and Carrara. I will try your suggestions as soon as I get some    time to play.

    ToeJam - It hadn't even occurred to me that limits could affect visibility, but I will certainly give that a try as well.

    And thanks to both of you. I'll let you know the results.

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