Export Animation
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Daz Studio Discussion>Export Animation
Export Animation

I'm trying to export my animation I created with my M4 so that I can use it for multiple characters, I've used Poser Format Exporter and even tried saving out the animation as an Aniblock. I've tried this multiple times but I keep getting the same results. When I import back onto a M4 the arms will start going haywire and I have no clue as to why. Am I doing something wrong here or is there another way to save my animation?
Hmm, I get a worse mess than just the arms. :-S
why are you exporting it ?
you can save as scene and merge .
you can save as scene and redo M4 .
you can try BVH .
are all the characters M4 ?
all the characters are m4, and I'm exporting it so I can use the animation more than once in different scenes