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you got it... lol..
ha ha yes I am morphing napoloen and that was more entertaining - nice render by the way
I felt that the Admiral's cabin would not be complete without a cup of coffee. If @TangoAlpha agrees, I will share a Carrara file with the coffee mug with his fleet's logo.
Haha - nice addition!
Heh, I like that!
Is that in Carrara? Not a bad conversion if so. The walls could use some edge creases (DS does that via the shader, which doesn't carry over to CA), & the chrome on the spaceship toy and bookshelves didn't work. You could easily substitute one of the default metal shaders for that. Not sure what that edge outline on top of the desk is, either?
(there is actually a painted texture for the ship in the textures folder - I used it for one of the paintings on the wall)
I'll take that as permission until told otherwise.
I have attached a zip file with the coffee mug in Carrara format. It does not load at Carrara coordinates 0,0,0. It loads on the reception area desk if you have Tim's new Admiral's cabin set. Great job, Tim. I lke how these sets can be used separately, or combined for a cohesive scifi universe.
Of course, I have been building my own fleet, with their own logos. When they confront Fleet Ops, a certain admiral is going to need all the coffee he can get!
EDIT: The coffee is parented to the cup. You can delete the coffee and fill the cup with Fluidos for more realism.
Thanks! Now I need a ceramic 3D printer!
I look forward to buying that whole Fleet Ops collection! I just love it!
Just showing the coffee cup on the desk while working late.
In fairness to TangoAlpha - some explanation of the above render.
Yes, that is a straight Carrara render. I did not attempt to optimize the shaders at all, which are opimized for Daz Studio. For a better Carrara render I should have made adjustments. For example, the desk lamp could have metalic Carrara shaders. The seat cushion bump settings could be adjusted. Etc., etc., etc. Instead, I just turned off all the lights, placed a string of Carrara point light bulbs under the desk lamp shade (low level and soft shadows enabled) and rendered. Just wanted it to look like the admiral was working late, relying on his coffee to stay awake.
Would love to see some folks post better optimized Carrara renders of the same set. Better hurry because the bad guys with this logo are approaching.
Haha, that logo is actually taken from one of Varsel's projects for a monthly challenge. Just joking around.
wowww this went to the top of my pwersonal most awesome renders list omjee the ambience
Me too! I love that whole selection of renders! Bravo Head Wax!
Your UberFan - Dartanbeck
used Phil's Oceans for this one
Stezza, you the man. That is one terrific render. Plus, I just got a fascinating history lesson. Many thanks!
great stuff, nice to see a few tailor mades :)
thank you Mystarra - it was a lot of fun doing that - it's a great set by PhilW
ha ha thanks Dart - you have style and taste :)
I feel good
a man of many talents Stezza - no history book is safe I take it ? ;) Love the concept and delivery
glad you managed to check out the history.. thanks ..

I reckon @Headwax_Carrara that this would make a great TV series....
Thanks for the kind comment, Headwax. I loved doing those city sets, and Carrara made it easy to deliver a lot of complexity.
a bit OT but this product let add some nice city buildings for few bucks; worth the price
Mod edit :- to remove Unsolicited off site Commercial Link
Modeling, Shading and arranging in Carrara fun? No... say it can't be true! LOL
PhilW, my Friend... I Love You, Man!!! ...and that goes for this whole Carrara Discussion Forum Family too! PhilW has taught me SO much over the years - through video courses, through fun, easy-to-render products, and through good ol' Carrara discussion... Thanks!
When I say that goes for the rest of our family... yeah... I learn a LOT from all of you too, from newbies to the pros, and everywhere in between... with Carrara, the simplest question or comment can spark a whole new realm of ways to use Carrara. I love it... and I Love you All!
Oh crap... are my pain meds kicking in too strongly?
Oh well. Wouldn't be the first over-share from me! LOL
No longer available, this is Dartanbeck's Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands, using the replicated animated Ocean with the full atmosphere system in use, including clouds and fog, with Jack Tomalin's "Rapture" model.
Trying to make a new one (right now) crashes my broken machine :(
I can load and tweak, but rendering overloads the darned thing. Motherboard is shot.
@ Headwax - That is an excellent cover of James Brown's hit! Those kids have some real spirit, eh?!!!
Dart - we've missed you man!
I missed you too!
Been playing my drums a LOT in the interim!
Good to hear - at least you are being productive.
Just singin' Away! LOL
Sounds interesting. Do you know how it's UVed, what are the material provided?
Wow. That does look cool!
well, you get all the maps needed and imported correctly in carrara (diffuse and normal only, for all the others you have to load them manually) at a 2K res, but the result is more than acceptable
If one of you get to either the UK or the US, you should have a jam session. Drums, keyboards and vocals (Phil's keyboard sounds like an amazing blues guitar!)
I'd love that - and I'm sure Dart would too!
I'd love to watch . . .