How to create a CTRL slider for character morph?
Hey there guys,
I'm having trouble creating a CTRL slider that would dial in both the character body shape and the head shape.
Here's what I did:
- I created a new Property for the Slider
- Then in Property Hiearchy, I dragged and dropped both the head morph and the body morph under the CTRL property's Sub-Components -> 1st Stage (Add/Subtract) and now the CTRL slider dials in both the head and the body shape.
- However, when I save the CTRL slider as morph and open up a new scene it's Sub-Components are empty.
What did I miss here?
You need to expand the options under the two sub-components and make sure the link iss et to save with your controller, not the controlled morphs. Using ERC Freeze rather than doing it manually usually sets this correctly for you.
Oh yes, I just figured it out a second ago and was about to post an update :D
Thanks Richard : )