Mac Users Dual monitor and preferences

greetings mac users,i have a MacPro 3.1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon 3 GHz Number of Processors: 2 Cores: 8, Graphic card GTX 680 4096 MB running OS 10.10.3 . do any mac users have dual monitors working? has anyone else found changing carrara keyboard shortcuts is problematic in that on reopening carrara after change carrara freezes and/or crashes on reopening? thanx
I don't use dual monitors and right now have no way to try, but I have created a few shortcuts without problem. I also have used the system's shortcuts creation to make a few and have linked things to my Wacom tablet.
I do recall playing with screen settinngs a while back (perhaps split, when I had a different computer setup) and running into a few problems.
Try setting the screen to normal and then test your keyboard shortcuts. And try one at a time.