Where is my Victoria4?
I "bought" Daz Studio 4.5 pro... It comes with all the normal stuff and that stuff is there. However I also purchased the pro suite of V4. Some of the clothing is there in parts but the figure of Victoria4 is nowhere to be seen. I checked under people folder and it has a Genesis folder and a Victoria4 folder. The Genesis folder has a file named genesis.buf and genesis.png. The Victora4 folder has neither of those which I assume is why it is not showing up. I downloaded all of the files under the downloads for my account and went through twice installing them. I assume Victoria Base is the main base figure but no matter how many times I install her and her other stuff... she is not there.
What am I missing?
Genesis is the 'base' figure...for DS4.x
Victoria4 is the DS3.x base and as such isn't going be in the same 'location' in the Content as Genesis...it's probably in the Poser Formats section.
Okay... Hate to ask a newb question yet again... but where is the Poser Formats section? How do I access that? From the menu bar or somewhere in smart content?
I think Victoria does not show in Smart Content. You have to go to Content Library.
lol... Another comment / question coated in Newb Sauce... I can't seem to find... or find any online tutorial that will help me find the Content Library... geez...
Any chance at some pointers there?
okay... I have moved some content from "People" to the "runtime" folder... that has me able to access everything except for the main base figure. I think somehow I just don't have that downloaded or something. Is the "Victora4 Base" not the main file that contains the base model?
First of move that folder back to where it came from. This may cause more issues but it may not but for the time being since you are new lets make sure.
Then with Daz Studio Open on the top menu bar click on the word Window, then you will see another link named Panes(Tabs), look down for the Content Library and click on it.
Have a good look you should find Poser Formats
Depending you installion path for V4 you should find it under Poser Formats > My library > Figures > Daz People >
If you don´t see Content Library, it may be due to the layout. Go to Window / Workspace / Select Layout. Choose a different layout, for example Self Serve.
I have my Victoria 4.2 in Content Library in Poser Formats / My Library / Figures / DAZ People.
Yay!!! Finally I see it... now all I have to figure out is how to get rid of or change that stock underwear she has on... showing through clothes I put on her... uncool
Thanks a lot!!
It isn't underwear, it is part of the texture. The way to get rid of it is to load another texture onto the V4 model with V4 selected in the Scene tab. You should find another skin in the Pose folder.
Oh the purple horror...run for the hills. :)