daz pro4.5

Some of the tuts i have looked at are useing the daz 4.5 pro version. ..I found it in my downloads list and thought i would give it a try. So it went well but i realized everything from 4.5 is in 4.9.

So haveing 4.5 would be just for reference ...right? cause some times  i want to go back to the simpliest directory structure ,,,how ever that wouldnt use the newfeatures in the higher genisis models ... right? 

 I really need to understand this new products and catagories and how they relate,,,where is the theory video?  thanks


  • The processes for managing categories and Smart Content have been modified at least somewhat since 4.5 (that's a pretty old version now). I'm not sure what you mean by going back to the simplest directory structure.

  • sorry i took so long to get back. I still have a 2.4 version, hahalol  

    i think i just need to study up on the runtime file sytem... i am not sure of the terminology or how to look up how the product and the catgory and the library all inter act now.

    it looks like the old libary is pretty much the same. just a long list (in alphabetical order and couls very long).  The cat. view seems to be the purched product, but as in dress and then that same dress could be listed again as in v4 dress and then a name. the product view is driven from the point of view ..."if you know the name or number of the product you could search there,,, i havent just tryed to search by numkber to confusing.


    the "show in" statment confuses cause it wount show by context and has abutton that doesnt always show in the pane.  


    i think i will try the videos one more time. they are great,,, and i have been short of time lately.. thanks

  • ok i found the video i was looking for thanks 

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