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So I tried it and here's the result. It's interesting, but Skully's detail is washed out. It's good to know that D/S has this, thanks.
If I decide to pursue cartoon renders, I will probably use Filter Forge or Toony Cam for more control.
@unLight865 - I notice your fire looks like it is being pushed by wind towards the dragon. The smoke does not quite to seem to follow the same and is a bit jagged at the edges. I Googled images of houses on fire and I found this one that hopefully matches your image fairly closely.
Also the props under the candy bowls got washed out... you likely already notice them also. I like the previous version much better.
Folks, Excellent work on your renders. I'm surprised at how good they look.
Thanks for the suggestion @Dreamfarmer
I took a hard look at doing what you suggested, and don't think I can pull it off. The hair would be easy to move, but then someone would ask "Wouldn't a few leaves be blowing in that brisk wind? You should add some."
That's the part that's giving me trouble. I haven't been able to locate any loose oak leaves and I don't want to pay a bunch of money for a product. I did manage a decent look with maple leaves, but then I would have to redo the whole scene with maple trees.
umm I think I will stick with a calm day LOL (This is me being lazy)
Thanks though!
Boris Badenov
Okay this may (or may not) be the final on this one. The only thing I did in photo shop was add the glowing eye to the skeleton, a tiny bit of brush work to vary the fog and add 1 filter for the color tone. Hopefully, that's not too much mucking about outside of Studio. The second one is without the filter.
I like the filter on the second one. It defines the fog on the lake. I also like the contrasting color of the skeleton's eye.
There seems to be a line delineating the edge of fog around the skeleton. Perhaps you should smooth that out in postwork.
I'm pretty sure that's a rock. But its bugging me too so if I have time before the end of the day tomorrow I will fix it. If not it will have to do its past midnight here and I just know if I try to do anymore tonight I will mess it up lol. Plus, I have to get up and go to work tomorrow and should have been in bed already. Was busy watching the Indians lose...
Mhh now I have set the render time at 19000 seconds, but it make no big different.
Grain is still visible and I running out of time. :(
So I will do a little postwork and put it on the entry thread.
I finally tracked down my saved scene file that I had made for the contest, but it doesn't seem to want to load into the new DS setup that I have yet. I'm having problems with it so it looks like I'm going to miss this month's contest again unless I can pull off some miracle before DAZ midnight tonight and start a new image which at this point doesn't seem likely.
I do want to wish everyone good luck! There are some really great entries in the entry thread already. I hope to see more by the time the deadline rolls around tonight. If you are still working on an image, hurry up! Time is running out. Deadline is tonight! :)
This is not an Entry.
I had entered this in the Rendo Halloween contest and therefore it is not eligible, but I wanted to get some feedback. (No, I didn't win the contest, drat! But some really good artwork did win).
Cast Down
Rendered in 3Delight, post work in Photoshop.
I was inspired by the skin from V4 Lilith which I got from a Runtime sale. I converted it to G2F and adjusted the subsurfaces using Omnifreaker's base human surface.
The outfit and wings are kitbashed from: Rose Thorn, Fantasia, Luc Lucis, Miss Fisher's Wardrobe Feminine Wiles, Lady of the Lake; Regina Malorum Hair; Wings of Despair and Incubus for Sebastian.
I removed all the technology from Planet Lava, made use of one of its cameras, and added the Foreverstones. The magical effects, additional flames, smoke and the sun flare are from Photoshop.
So, what do you think?
I'd say that sets the bar pretty high!
You didn't win? Pfft! I would have voted for you.
Great work!
Thanks Boris. I would have loved to see how many votes I did receive... Or how close I came. But the subject was ghosts and goblins and my render was a demon - not sure if that had any affect on the voting.
Still, I do agree with the first and second place winners. Go to Rendo / community / contests / 3d art / winners and take a look.
1st place was The Goblin King - the artist did some modeling work.
2nd place: The Headless Horseman. Very nice piece.
I think that's some amazing kitbashing there. I mean.... 'fantastic harpy' was my first thought. My second thought was 'nice setting!'. Then, when I looked closer, I disapproved of the harpy's skin and thought maybe depth of field would make it less visually noisy.
In other news, I lost the settings that produced the blue-tone Waiting For Mama, and then kind of... gave up for now. So that won't be in the contest. But I did snap this while ruining my settings, and I kind of like it.

You know, sometimes a change of view can make a huge difference in a render. This puts the whole thing in a different perspective - from Mamma's point of view. It gives a feeling that she is looking in on her son, though she can't help him. He is lonely, but she is present.
You may want to return to this render later.
Sonja, I see 3 sides of what appears to be a plane... most appear to be double striaght lines. Look below the sign on post and on formost tentacle arm. Hope you have it done already. Other than the straight lines looks kewl.
Well done everyone.
Good luck, everyone! :)
Ya I had to submit as is unfortunately, I just ran out of time. Had some appointments I couldn't miss and a dinner date with my husband and mother in law. They are very good about the time I spend on this but there are limits lol.
And good luck everyone! Really great renders and ideas this time around!
Looks like there will be a tough month this time too, for the judges to select winners. Good job everyone and good luck!
Good luck everyone! There were some great entries this month.