Whale HO! [Commercial]

AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
edited September 2016 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hey everyone posting late, but the Whale I made is live in the store. I hope we have some folks who dig nature.


If you would like other sea creatures let me know.

Post edited by Chohole on


  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited September 2016

    Oh forgot some images. I know the space Wahle in crazy but, I am, what I am.

    Also notice that this cersion of the Whale is Scarred, some how an older version got into the store.

    Mary _Black.jpg
    2100 x 1530 - 2M
    2100 x 1530 - 1M
    1530 x 2100 - 6M
    POP2 copy.jpg
    2500 x 1800 - 3M
    Post edited by AntMan on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    Does the mouth open? I didn't see any renders of it opened.

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580

    That is some really gorgeous promo art.

    Great job, AntMan!

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Xyer0, No it opens enough for the Baleen to show, the filter system that hangs in the mouth. I hope you can still use him.


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    it exports quite nicely to Vue (though obviously materials need to be adjusted for Vue...).

    As for other sea critters.... not sure if my budget will allow for it anytime soon, but staying on topic, how'bout a sperm whale and giant Squid?

  • LOVE the whale and he is now residing in my runtime. I agree with glaseye, a giant squid would be way cool.  A decent dolphin and manatee would be nice as well. And maybe a Kraken (not sure if I spelled that right - greek mythology)

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580

    Don't forget Squid Mech!



  • That whale is awesome!  I'll be rendering him soon,  Unfortunately, I already had a render of another new purchase going so I haven't tested the whale out yet.  Any chances of there be more whales of different breeds in the near future?  I could certainly us a few more.  A blue whale and a sperm whale would be really nice!

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Add me for the Kraken and the Sperm Whale. I'm also okay with a Space Sperm Whale wink

  • Love the Whale, AntMan!

    He's very easy to animate, I just have to learn how to make his movement look more natural as you can see, but thats my fault as I threw this animation together in a just few hours last night. The only thing I was surprised about was his small default scale, I actually put him at 200% scale for this animation.

    But very nice job on him and I love your unique artistic style. (There will be more to come with the whale, this is part of a longer animation with Deplorable George.)


  • Very nice

  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164


    Your whale model inspired me to create this scene I called "National Geographic presents:- Parenting in the Big Blue -"wink

    Your model is the calf. The grown-up are the humpbacks made long ago by Digital I Designs

    Looking forward to other great models from you!yes


    1189 x 705 - 2M
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    That looks beautiful, 3CPO... It really does remind me of that Netional Geographic-style of photography I remember from the 1980s onwards. Was it rendered in Iray? What did you use for the water surface and bubbles?

  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164


    Thanks. Yes, it was rendered in Iray. Water surface is a high poly plane with bump and displacement maps applied to it. Bubbles are also 3d geometry... Straight render with a little contrast enhancement in post. I stopped the render at about 1500 iterations after 2 hrs as I thought the remaining noise in the shadows plays well with the water adding to the illusion of particles...

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Wow! Great stuff, I also dig the render and any time I get to see these guys move with sound is a happy day in my book!!!


  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    AntMan said:

    Wow! Great stuff, I also dig the render and any time I get to see these guys move with sound is a happy day in my book!!!


    Thanks, AntMan. Glad you liked it. Waiting for more inspiring models!smiley

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