Art Nouveau Bathroom ~commercial~

Presenting a beautiful Art Nouveau Bathroom, with highly detailed, custom crafted woodwork, and a stunning tiled floor and stained glass. Included is a bathroom chair, and laundry basket with towel. All windows, drawers, toilet lids and doors are rigged to open/close, full Iray/3Delight & Poser support as standard.
Feel free to check it out! We can't wait to see your renders!!
Anna & Dave
I just wanted to say that this is truly a work of art.
The woodwork, the glass, the fixtures and all the flowing lines.
I am so impressed with the images I have seen.
Great job you two!
Gorgeous looking set.
It isn't going to stop me from buying if the answer is no, but is there a close morph for the curtain around the tub?
Didn't even give the credit card time to blink...
No sorry, but you can totally remove the shower features so you just have an open bathtub.
Really beautiful. Woodwork is perfect.
Thanks, as I said it isn't a make-or-break thing - and in principle (in principle
) I should be able to add my own morph(s) if needed.
Gorgeous set. Admittedly it's a strange layout for a bathroom, but still gorgeous. If the walls can't be turned off individually, I may end up going at it with the geometry editor and breaking it up into units for camera access. But boy, howdy, are there some lovely components in this package.
Don't forget that in Iray you can use Section palnes for that - and if you turn on Clip Lights (in the parameters pane) they won't mess up the lighting or reflections, important in a set like this.
The layout of the room is true to life. David and I always work from reference material.
Wow the woodwork and stained glass are stunning! (its all beautiful but just wow, that wood and glass!)
A first test render of a WIP... "I wash you even though I don't know you". The set is perfect for the Webcomic I'm working on.
The lead character had a hard day&night, and the wakeup isn't pretty...
Looking good. Don't forget to turn the Sub-D settings on under the parameters tab, under mesh resolution so you get the nice smooth transitioning wood and surfaces.
Thanks. What SuD Level do you recommend?
Sub-d of 2, so that you can see all the lovely wood details at their best. (see attached picci)
I have increased the SubD-Level to 3, but for some reason I still get the edges, rather than the nice curves. I have used the SubD at the main item, as that's the only place it lets select me.
What am I doing wrong?
I also tried this in 4.8 and 4.9 Beta, but it's the same in both versions.
Moving the sliders around while still at 'base' resolution isn't really doing anything. You need to change from Base to High (or whatever it is) in the drop down box above the sliders. Also, a view level of 1 isn't going to change the viewport...
I just have the "Base" available in the settings, and the image posted is the actual render.
That's why I'm asking what I am doing wrong.
EDIT: Okay... I found out that I had to actually go to Edit--> Convert to SubD for this to work. Is that normal?
Hmmm...then something really wrong if it should already have a SubD modifier attached. You can do Edit > Figure > Geometry > Convert to SubD and that should fix it.
Yes, that fixed it. It renders now as it should from the promos.
Okay... Forgot to post this. While tinkering around with the set to for it into my VidCard, I deleted some textures. I wanted to restore them and thought "let's just apply the base mats for Iray".
If I do so, it throws and error message for not being able to find the file: /data/ForbiddenWhispers/ArtNBathroom/Bathroom/UV Sets/ForbiddenWhispers/Base/default.dsf
As with Bee, I also have only Base available for the resolution. I understand it can be converted to Sub-D, but ForbiddenWhispers post implies that the model should come with the Sub-D modifier.
Convert to SubD is a necessary step, without it DS doesn't know to apply Sub division at all (and the adjustment parametrs should not be visible - in BeeMKay's screenshot you can see that all but the Resolution Level button are greyed out because they are currently hidden).
So the manual "Convert to SubD" has to happen each and every time I am using anything, like HD morphs?
Items should have been converted already, that will be stored in a saved file - apparently the item in this case was saved without having been converted.
It should have been saved with the Sub-D on. If somebody could file a support ticket, I'll get a fix sent to the tester dudes.
I'll file a support ticket, and also for the missing file when loading Iray default. I'll post the ticket number here once it's through.
EDIT: Ticket put in for both problems at CS with #228765
Awesome, thanks.
I checked the zip and the missing file is there, so I don't understand why DS would be calling for it?
I don't know, it loads fine if I just load the default. Maybe there's an extra space or something in the link/file?
EDIT: If I "follow the trail", it seems that the "Bathroom" folder is missing?
Error message: /data/ForbiddenWhispers/ArtNBathroom/Bathroom/UV Sets/ForbiddenWhispers/Base/default.dsf
Found at: \data\ForbiddenWhispers\ArtNBathroom\Bathroom2\UV Sets\ForbiddenWhispers\Base\default.dsf
Double/triple check the path in both the zip and the duf...sometimes odd things happen. Like when G3F first came out and the first freebie I made for her ended up linked to poses I never used on her...load the pose and it set the character on....I still don't know HOW that happened.
I hate DS sometimes...
I've let the tester know and she's gonna try get a look at it, as soon as she's finished something else she's working on.