mcjElasticSim - much awaited script for verlet based dynamics ( bounces )

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited December 2019 in Freebies

i can't guarantee that's the final release
so in the coming days and week, keep an eye on it

2019 December 16th 03:53 PM - repaired the Load function


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  • Gonna see if it work on my favorite youngster, since she doesn't have much to bounce. ;)

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    Thanks, another great physics sim.

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2016

    i added a short study about improving the Genesis3 animation



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  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited October 2016

    is this new i have to register google with your scripts ?

    i do not want to

    sorry did not see the down arrow

    everything nice as usual

    thanks for the script

    Post edited by Ruphuss on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2016


    when people go through the process i receive an email saying someone wants to be a sort of co-administrator of the site 

    doesnt happen too too often though

    ( in other news i'll make an Arduino-to-DazStudio bridge and i'll complete the NewCastle prop ... yes the Newcastle prop )


    Ruphuss said:

    is this new i have to register google with your scripts ?

    i do not want to

    sorry did not see the down arrow

    everything nice as usual

    thanks for the script


    oh my oh my it's the castle.jpg
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  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    boing boing ..thanks !

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    DigiDotz said:

    boing boing ..thanks !


    ( coming up, an arduino-to-DazStudio bridge, then mcjNewCastle the final version  )



  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    tried the script with V4 and get some weird results

    x-translation to breastoutR works fine

    same to breastoutL gives only half the movement

    y-translation to breastup gives just 1 up-down


    targeting chestnode

    run sim

    runover sim



    targeting root node(not hip)

    and sim

    in.node sim

    out.note V4

    in,prop x-trans

    out.prop breastoutR

    sim to morph

    this works ok but as stated above

    various results with various morphs


  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    ok false alarm

    results are ok if you try out a bit

    i do not understand everything so far

    especially the translation from the sim node to the various morphs

    how much they are effected

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    You got further than me Ruphuss

    Somethings gone awry here, on phase 1,  chest selected but the simulator appears by Aiko4's feet

    no hi def bounce action .. i mean verlet based dynamic simulations for me tonight

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    the modify button will change this

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    Got it.  look out!!  post the results soon  --in the best possible taste of course

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

     note that you can also re-position the simulator's base node "manually"

    do it when the timeline is at frame 0, to avoid having the base node move during the simulation

    if you select the simulator 'sim' node, you can also set it's initial position ( at frame 0 )

    if you go in the daz studio parameters tab for the 'sim' node, you will find all the simulation parameters in a sub-section named mcjSomething

    you could tweak the parameters there too


    when you intend to  target a specific morph or joint rotation, it's better to test them manually

    so you can see the limits and the ranges

    some breast morphs have a usable range of -100% to 100% ( -1 to 1 in mcjElasticSim parlance )  others need -800% to 800% !

    in the case of Genesis 3 i think, i had some confusing  results when "driving" the 'pectoral' joints, but it's worth the try


    personally for limb animations i use rotations and avoid tranlations


    DigiDotz said:

    You got further than me Ruphuss

    Somethings gone awry here, on phase 1,  chest selected but the simulator appears by Aiko4's feet

    no hi def bounce action .. i mean verlet based dynamic simulations for me tonight


  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515
    edited October 2016

    I can only get some morphs to work if i first create a pose control

    ..also tested using a deformer and putting it as child of the simulator as an alternative. Just testing on a big belly.

    edit -scrub that belly heres the jelly (ish)

    Post edited by DigiDotz on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited February 2017


    the script now displays the list of properties

    as pairs of Name / Label

    because, when a morph is injected into a figure, the channel name remains something cryptic like PBMCC_1

    in the first version of the script we only displayed the property name


    the new version displays them as pairs of Name / Label

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605


    2017 April 8th 2017 - corrected a bug at line 1501  inCtl = obj.findModifier( inName ); needed to be inCtl = obj.findModifier( inPropName );

    this probably affected only non-morph properties and may explain why i didnt catch that bug

    so it means it's probably not true that nobody ever tried to use that script :D


    i will do a props-only test animation and post it after supper 


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    i had a more complex test animation in mind but this shows i was able to convert the red ball X Translation ( -10 cm to 10 cm ) into a stick (cylinder ) Z Rotation ( 10° to -10° )

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited April 2017

    second update

    this update fixes the issue wherein the list of property list was duplicated each time you change the node selection in the tranlators Tab

    note: i used mcjParent to make the small ball follow the simulator node

    because when it's parented to the simulator node its local transforms dont change

    and the translator system in mcjElasticSim is based on local transforms and morphs

    someday i may (should) add world-space transforms as source/destination "properties"


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    Great Tool, but no work in DAZ 3.1

    Bug  in lines 380,381,382, variable is duplicate with wTransFrmBtnAdd (372,373,374)  should be wTransFrmBtnAdd ---> wTransFrmBtnMod

    Lines BAD (380,381,382)

    var wTransFrmBtnAdd = new DzPushButton( transFormButtonsGB );
    wTransFrmBtnAdd.text = "Modify";
    connect( wTransFrmBtnAdd, "clicked()", transFrmMod );

    Change to :

    var wTransFrmBtnMod= new DzPushButton( transFormButtonsGB );
    wTransFrmBtnMod.text = "Modify";
    connect( wTransFrmBtnMod, "clicked()", transFrmMod );

    Work Fine DAZ 3.1.


  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    One suggestion, this tool would be very useful if it also had the option of "delay"(mcjlageffect), in the tab of translators.

    Find another bug, in the mcjCycleFilter.dsa script, which does not delete the keyframes with right click of the mouse.
    To correct this change the line 806

    If (prop.getKeyTime (i) == t)
    If (prop.getKeyTime (i) .valueOf () == t .valueOf ())

    Thanks for your valuable scripts.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited May 2017


    thanks to Armando_CG25 for pointing the bug and suggesting the delay effect

    There's now a Delay option and a Loop/Shift option

    you can use it to make one property animation follow ( or precede ) another property's animation

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited May 2017


    see the update above or below  


    Great Tool, but no work in DAZ 3.1


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279
    edited May 2017

    Thank you very much, The delay works perfectly, but I think it still has other bugs.

    "Button Remove in Simulators" it does not work

    Lines 232
    connect( wSimFrmBtnRem, "clicked()", simFormBtnsGB );
    connect( wSimFrmBtnRem, "clicked()", simFrmRem );

    "Button Add in Simulators" it does not work
    Lines 234,235,236

    var wSimFrmBtnAdd = new DzPushButton( simFormBtnsGB );
    wSimFrmBtnAdd.text = "Modify";
    connect( wSimFrmBtnAdd, "clicked()", simFrmMod );


    var wSimFrmBtnMod = new DzPushButton( simFormBtnsGB );
    wSimFrmBtnMod.text = "Modify";
    connect( wSimFrmBtnMod, "clicked()", simFrmMod );


    "Button Defaults" it does not work?


    Post edited by CGI3DM on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    thanks ! updated 

    Thank you very much, The delay works perfectly, but I think it still has other bugs.

    "Button Remove in Simulators" it does not work



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605


    corrected 2 buttons in the interface

    thanks to Armando_CG25 for locating them bugs

  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    Thank you Mcasual, it works correctly

  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 686

    I haven't praised you lately, so. Praise. Praise.

    Now to download this and see if I can understand half of what was talked about. =^-^+

  • KoolapzKoolapz Posts: 3
    edited December 2019

    Just for information, this plugin still work well on Daz 4.12 pro (and that's pretty cool !)

    I just have a little bug when I use the button "load from" in simulator, all the informations in the txt file are pasted on the first input (the simulator name) and not input by input.

    Post edited by Koolapz on
  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309


    Will wait to work with it I think though... my frustration level/patience is extremely *low* between the holidays and several other issues!


    Does be the question: will you be porting this to Gen 8?  (not specifying 'Gen 8F' since... well, MOOBS - and therefore would definitely apply to George!)


    Oh, and - I hesitate to mention since it seems like "Well, now that you have given us the moon, how about the stars too" sort of question, but how difficult/impossible would it be to appy this to *hair*?  (so our more people not longer have 'helmet head')?  ... course, if you can do that - you *really* should sell it ;) just saying'.  


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