Missing Images in Forums and Gallery

[Edit] All seems to back to normal now or very close to it. Ignore my rambling below. If you still experience/find any problems report to Site down and malfunctioning or open a request for the problem so it/they get fixed. [end Edit]
Alert to All: Seems that the the DAZ3D site inculding the Forums are experiency problems. See Missing renders in gallery which kinda explains why many images do not appear.. including nearly all but the latest ones of mine and many others. Some images are shown while others are not. Note if you see the tiny version for an image you will most likely get a 404 image/page not found error.
Note that this affects most discussions in the Forums that of mine and those I visit. Some seem to be not affected at all. This also affects some whose art is posted in their Gallery. Sadly all of mine.
I've made Help/Support aware that I'm not impressed by this since it's still going on.
When that happened to me, I closed my whole browser and started it up again. It helped but... yeah... they're probably working on the servers or something? Yikes though!
Magento (I think it's called) sure has been acting up!
Ha... I went as far as shutting down my system entirely... waiting 30secs then restarting... still no images. From the last Carrara Challenge hardly any... all off Phil's are gone... not the one that DustRider placed 2nd with... 3rd place gone but MistyMist's HM still there. Many others from past Carrara Challenges are gone... hopefully only for now.
Yeah... I hope so too! They definitely need to fix it! Yikes!
Press "POST COMMENT" and nothing happens. Magento is coughing up nuts and bolts!
Pics seem to be back and server appears to be back to normal... Thank Goodness.
There was a major problem. Daz were fully aware of it and were valiantly trying to sort it out. There was one major thread about it, and we were directing all traffic there (or trying to), as the Daz Web Guys were popping in and gving quick updates from time to time, in between trying to get things fixed and pulling their hair out. That thread was in the Commons, as it affected the entire site, the Forums and the Store and the Gallery.
Of course the Moderation team was affected as well as the rest of you, so there were possibly some posts that didn't get directed to the main thread on the problem.
hang on it there, it will get sorted and stay sorted, eventually 
Thanks Chohole, wish I had found that thread... I found the other one I link to in first post and would have linked to it instead. Oh well... seems to be over. [fingers crossed]