Does Psy Lighting for Urban Future 4 work in DS 4.5?
Posts: 906
I ask because as far as I know Dreamlight hasn't made updated lights for 4.5 and the product page says it only has a legacy installer. So, has anyone bought it and rendered a scene in 4.5? From the first moment I bought Urban Future 4 it screamed for a rainy Blade Runner-esque render.
It's true that Light Dome Pro 2 doesn't work in 4.5, but individual sets included with/for model sets work fine.
I'm running a test render of Psy Lighting for UF4 in DAZ Studio 4.5 as I type...
- naturally, I will post it when it's done - but right now, I'm off to have a coffee :)
no post-render adjustments to render -
loaded both scenes into DAZ Studio 4.5 (Psy Lighting fog-rain-water & UF4), selected camera 6 and pressed render...