IRay refuses to render UberEnviroment2 lights.
No matter what I do I can't get IRay to render any UberEnviroment2 lights. They work just fine with 3Delight but not IRay. I turned Enviroment Mode to scene only and Auto Headlamp effect. Rendering point lights works without problem.
Anyone have any suggestions what the problem might be?
UberEnvironment is for 3Delight, it won't work in Iray.
That...explains things. Thank you.
Generally, the things that are for a specific render engine are lights and shaders. If the product page doesn't say whether they are for 3delight or Iray or both, here are a few guidelines:
1 - Except for the Uber Iray Base that's included in the DS Lights and Shaders, all the Uber products are for 3Delight
2 - All the Age Of Armor (AOA) lights and shaders are for 3Delight
3 - If they just say they're for DS and don't specify, they're probably 3Delight
4 - Lower SKUs (below about 22000) are probably for 3delight.
However, the HDR images that come with uberEnvironment lighting sets may well be usable as environment maps in Iray - Render Settings>Environment group.
If used, they are not suitable for use as backdrop images, also. They are rather low resolution and 'pre-blurred', so while they will work for light, they won't as a backdrop. They may also need to be adjusted from the default Environment levels.