FLATS for Femme Fatales

VueiyVueiy Posts: 550
edited October 2016 in Product Suggestions

There are so many wonderful outfits out there for Genesis (1,2,3) females--more than the males, let's face it--but the one thing that bothers me most is...lack of FLAT footwear.  Seriously.  I get it, heels are cute or hot or whatever...but I prefer my femme fatales to be practical and not have knee issues in a dozen years.  It's one thing when it's a purely "fashion" outfit--something cute for the weekend or a date or a night on the town--but another entirely when the thieves, knights, and mercenaries are wearing stilettos.  I mean, I guess you could use them to poke/kick someone's eye out, but other than that, they're a liability.  Get a heel stuck between some cobblestone or a roof tile, and you're likely to snap an ankle, if not worse.  So to all you lovely clothing modelers out there...would you please, please, PLEASE make some of your lovely fighting outfits without heels (or with reasonably short ones, like 1 or 2 inches)?  I use D|S for illustrations for my novels, and not a single one of my action heroines would be caught dead fighting in heels (and half the time wouldn't wear them outside of combat).  I know there's a handful of stand-alone flats out there, but then there's the issue of whether or not they match the outfit in color, style, length, etc, and whether or not they'll properly fit without too much (or any) poke-through.  Thanks so much! 


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