Adding bones 30s Everyday Dress for V4

I am trying to add a bones skeleton to the 30s Everyday Dress for V4. My intention (hope) is to rig it so as to work in Unity 3D on a V5 rigged figure. I've built the bones skeleton in Carrara 8.5, mimicing the V5 skeleton, but "Attach Skeleton" is ghosted under the Animation menu. Is it possible/how do I add bones to V4 clothes figures so they will work as rigged figures in Unity 3D?
Without using the rigged dress. We canot 'add bones' to an existing rig. Doing so would 'break' the rig, so it's not allowed.
Instead, we must do the whole rig:
We can do this by importing the OBJ of the dress. If you're using a Poser Runtime structure (for installing content) it will be under Runtime > Geometries. If Daz Library, it'll be in the Data folder - in both cases under the author's name is most common.
With just the OBJ imported, just build the rig and 'Attach Skeleton'
Likewise if you have Fenric's Posing Pack 3 plugin, you can avoid importing the OBJ and just work with the dress as follows:
Now build your new rig, then Attach Skeleton
Follow Dart's description, but I don't think you need to build the skeleton, you can load in V4 and attach that skeketon to the dress!
Right! Sorry 'bout that!
Oh... that's right. I said that because the original post asked about adding more bones than what V4 has for a game engine. If it gets exported with V4 bones, then you'll get the same thing as not doing anything at all, since the dress is already for V4.
However, you could avoid building the rig for V5 if you use the transfer utility in Daz Studio to get V5's rig transferred to the dress OBJ.
Again, I was under the impression this was a custom job, in which case we could easily build the rig. Know that Carrara also has 'Duplicate with Symmetry' for rigs as well as models ;) along with some other fine tools for the rig.
Main thing... if you're still stuck, let us know. We'll get you up and running ;)
Daz Studio's Transfer Utility, which can also be used for other figures beyond Genesis:
(PhilW's Advenaced Carrara Techniques course has instructions on using it for V4)
well for what it is worth you can add bones to DAZ figures or any rigged figures without detaching skeleton but they will not affect anything already on it but indeed do affect any new things attached to the skeleton.
However using Sickleyields keeping bones tutorial in D|S and loading the saved support asset duf in C8.5 probably your best bet.
and between later figures
converting Genesis 3 clothes to triax and going the other way works mostly too BTW for those interested.
Good info Wendy!
Yes! Interested! Thanks!