Genesis MFD UV map

LadyAlysLadyAlys Posts: 17

I am wanting to work on my own texture for the new Genesis MFD.

I cannot find a UV map to work off of, or figure out how to make my own.

If anyone can tell me where to get the UV map, make my own, or some other way to best work on textures for this item. I would greatly appreciate it. Spent all night last night trying to find it and figure something out.


  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    I usually export the dress as an obj and then open it in UVmapper and save the UV map that way.

    Make sure you have just the dress otherwise you get genesis as well. Best to make Genesis invisible.

  • LadyAlysLadyAlys Posts: 17
    edited December 1969

    Thanks I will try it. First I have to figure out what happened to the installers. My MFD won't load into DS. LOL (if it's not one thing...)
    But, I will try what you said to see how it works. Thanks

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    THe genesis MFD shares the same UV map as the V4 MFD, In fact all generations of the MFD share the same uv map, meaning that textures for one can be used on the others. THe only one that is UV mapped differently is the Steph petite one.

    SnowSultan made a very useful seam guide template for the MFD but the normal one is here, in resources

    I will try to find the link for SnwSultans ones

  • LadyAlysLadyAlys Posts: 17
    edited December 1969


    I had that before, but lost it a long time ago. Wasn't sure if the old map would work for Genesis. Didn't think to look back at the V3 dress.
    Thanks that's what I needed.

    Still going to try the object exporting thing too, might be useful for other things in the future.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Well anything that has a Poser version you won't need to export a UV, you can use the geometry OBJ to generate a UV map, so it is only the later products that are DS only that require that to be done.

  • LadyAlysLadyAlys Posts: 17
    edited December 1969

    That's what I figured, but couldn't find an Object file for it anywhere on my computer. Thinking now that it's because I might be missing files from the original installers?? We'll see. All good advice for future reference.

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